While finishing her law school degree, my daughter Amanda worked with the Office of the Co-Prosecutors at the United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Trials at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, in Phnom Penh. She built cases against leaders of the Khmer Rouge for war crimes. On a visit to spend the […]
As a health and nutrition counselor, I frequently receive questions concerning all kinds of health concerns. Recently, I had a question about improving dental health. I think using non-toxic mouthwash, toothpaste, and other supplements is very important. I thought this was something I would share with you. My Answer: Dental health is extremely […]
Depression is a major problem in our world today. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association, depression is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. for ages 15 to 44.3, and affects more than 16.1 million American adults. Nearly one-half of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. No one […]
If you grew up like me, I was told all my life that I needed protein. I also had acute anemia beginning at the age of 2, so people told me I had to eat liver and meat for the iron. I was told that meat, chicken, fish, dairy and eggs were a good source […]
There are so many philosophies about health and nutrition today, how do you know what is right for you? Protein is something I know everyone seems to be concerned with, because for the last 50 years we have all been bombarded with advertising and false information concerning the importance of dairy or meat, chicken or […]
There are many reasons to clean out and detox the inside of the body on a regular basis. Clean cells and a clean body, inside and out, are the secrets to having more energy, looking younger, and having a stronger immune system. Using a detox system for optimum health is really a necessity these days. […]
Everyone seems to always be pursuing happiness, but happiness should come naturally and easily. Happiness is an art, as well as a state of mind. We create this art by taking specific action steps. In each moment of time, we choose what we focus on and what we do. In doing this, we create our […]
I believe everyone wants to be radiantly healthy. Our skin reflects our health and is the first impression people have of us when we meet; so it’s no surprise that many of us want to have the best and healthiest skin possible. I consider food to be my medicine and as it becomes our cells, […]
Have you wondered about a cancer prevention diet? Well, according to a study conducted by The University of Western Australia in Perth, eating mushrooms daily may reduce breast cancer risk by nearly two thirds. The study, conducted in China, looked at more than 2000 women, half of whom had suffered from breast cancer. Researchers found […]
Recently, I’ve had many people ask me about CBD oil and hemp oil and specifically, what are the health benefits of both? Surprisingly, the questions have come from clients and an Oncologist. To find the answers, I recently went to California and Houston to meet with doctors and scientist who have been studying it. I […]