Phobar – A Restaurant Review

Phobar, Chinatown restaurant, in NYC, review by Nancy Addison, photo of vegetable soup.

Chinatown, in New York City, is an Asian experience. I love going there to enjoy the marvelous culture available to me, when I’m in various cities. The sights the sounds, the food, herbs, fabrics, plants, are a delightful change from the everyday life I normally experience with the generic American franchizes, etc. Recently, my friend, […]

The Truth About Almonds And Almond Milk

Almonds are a powerhouse of nutrients, including manganese, magnesium, copper, Vitamin B2, and phosphorus, and are a great source of protein and fiber.

Preventing Oxidative Stress, Cellular Damage, And Disease

oxidative stress can cause multiple diseases. Nancy addison, nutritionist, talks about effective ways to reduce oxidative stress by 40% in 30 days. Diabetes, heart disease, MS, autism, ADD, etc.

Cell damage caused by oxidative stress is a major component of many conditions associated with aging and disease. Oxidative Stress is not a disease, but is a condition that can lead to disease, like heart disease, cancer, autism, arthritis, etc.

Diet Can Help With Diabetes Type 1 And Diabetes Type 2

Diet Can Help With Diabetes Type One And Diabetes Type Two by Nancy Addison, nutritionist

Since the publication of my book, “Diabetes And Your Diet,” I have been getting many questions and comments concerning people with Type 1 Diabetes. In my book/cookbook, I site a study conducted by Dr. james Anderston in the 1990’s. “Dr. James Anderson studied 25 Type 1 and 25 Type 2 diabetics. This study involved placing […]