Nancy Discussing Brain Health, Memory, and Holistic Remedies

Nancy Discussing Brain Health, Memory, and Holistic Remedies, with Nancy Addison, nutritionist, organic healthy life

Leading health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison discusses the brain, memory, and dementia. She talks about various ways we can improve our brain health and help it to function more efficiently. Nancy expands on certain foods and supplements and how they can help improve the mind. She also talks about lifestyle, […]

Is There Good Salt And Bad Salt?

When I ask people if they use salt, they frequently tell me, “No, I eat a low-salt diet for health reasons.” In fact, it is not salt that is bad for us, it is the type of salt we eat. The word “electrolyte” is a chemical term for salt. We need electrolytes to be healthy. […]

Cholesterol And Your Health

Cholesterol and your health, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Cholesterol is an extremely important topic with many of my health counseling clients. Many of them are (or have been) on cholesterol-lowering drugs, or have been told by their medical doctors to keep their cholesterol low. As I have researched this over the years, I have come to the exact opposite conclusion. Cholesterol is necessary […]

Plant-based Mushroom Burger Recipe – Vegetarian

Planted-based Mushroom Burger Recipe, nancy addison, organic healthy life - vegetarian recipe

It is National Mushroom Month! Many of you may be cooking outdoors this month. This is a great vegan/vegetarian version to serve plant-based diners. I used to take a portobello mushroom with me whenever I went to cookouts and I wanted to have something plant-based to eat with everyone. I have made this for many […]

Nori Rolls with Nut Pâté Recipes – Raw, Gluten-free, Plant-based

Nori rolls, nut pate, recipes, gluten free, raw, plantbased, Nancy addison, organic healthy life

These are easy and delicious. The first time I made this recipe was when I needed a quick lunch to take with me on an airplane. This is a great finger food and makes a terrific appetizer. Children love to help you create these! Ingredients 2 nori sheets 1 cup Nut Pâté (see recipe below) […]

Let’s Grow Our Own Organic Food

Let's Grow Our Own Organic Food, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

We’ve all been trying to eat more healthy, organic, non-GMO foods so that our health will be at its best and our immune system will be strong. With these unknown times, we would like to be more in control of when and how we are able to get the best quality food we possibly can. […]

Be Prepared For The Wonderful Summertime!

Be Prepared For The Outdoors & What Can Bug You! by Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy life

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, and we want to enjoy it to the fullest. In order to do this we should be careful to avoid poison ivy, poison oak, bug bites, jellyfish stings, or getting sunburned. Here are a few natural remedies that may help you have a smooth sailing summer of […]

Waldorf Salad With Homemade Mayonnaise Recipes

Waldorf Salad With Homemade Mayonnaise Recipes, by Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

I grew up enjoying Waldorf Salad with my family. It always reminds me of my mother. It was one of her favorites. My mother would lovingly make this salad for many of our Sunday dinners. In honor of Mother’s Day that is coming up next week. I thought I would share this recipe with you. […]

A ElectroCulture Journey With Matt Roeske

A ElectroCulture journey With Matt Roeske

Leading health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host Nancy Addison talks with Matt Roeske, with Cultivate Elevate. His in-depth research into history, health, agriculture, wildlife, natural remedies, is extensive. He discusses ElectroCulture and how it can impact all of our lives. He expands into his ideas on creating better health, quality of life, and […]

A Theological journey With Kenneth Lee Spears

A Theological journey With Kenneth Lee Spears, witih Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Leading health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host Nancy Addison talks with theologian, Kenneth Lee Spears. Kenneth is the author of the books “The Mark of the Beast Is Already in Your Hand: Your Eyes See It without Seeing It” and, “Wormwood understanding how it is currently impacting Earth.” Kenneth shares his in-depth research […]