Let’s Get Healthy with Nancy Addison Mexican Food

Learn how to make a proper ginger root tea, a cucumber soup, a healthy whole grain rice and one of the best Mexican dishes ever! Don’t miss the cherry sorbet desert, it is a cool, healthy, refreshing desert that just about everyone will love! Buy: $14.97

International Red Cross Fundraiser!

Nancy addison, nutritionist, and daughter, Amanda, who was in the Peace Corps in Mali, Africa.

Come join Nancy Addison and help the International Red Cross! Would you love to lose some weight? Could you use more energy? Do you want to raise the healthiest children possible? Then this is the seminar for you! It’s free and your donations will go toward the International American Red Cross!         […]

What Are Safe, Effective Sunscreens?

How To pick safe and effective sunscreen for you and your family. Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses vitamin D, sunscreens, and our health.

The sun promotes health and vitality. Still, we want to protect ourselves and our children from the sun during the summer. Which sunscreens are safe and healthy to use? Not all are helpful, and many are harmful. Recent studies reveal that some sunscreens can cause vitamin D3 deficiency, increase the risk of skin cancer, and […]

Health Seminar! You Can Make Healthy Eating- Delicious!

Making Healthy Eating- Delicious! Would you love to lose some weight? Could you use more energy? Do you want to raise the healthiest children possible? Then this is the seminar for you! In this seminar, you will hear how to: How to eat for super health! How to get more energy and feel better! This […]

Health and the Peaceful Mind

The Importance Of Self-Care, by Nancy Addison, nutritionist, Organic Healthy Life

True health is having true peace in our heart, mind, and soul. When we are totally at peace, we can have total health. What are you saying to yourself as you walk around all day and night? What thoughts are going through your mind? Every single thought is an affirmation. Whatever you are thinking about […]

Why Eat Raw and Living Food?

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, explains why and how to clean your fruits and vegetables in this article.

What is raw and living food? Raw and living foods are foods that have not been heated over 105–118°F. It’s basically eating food in its whole real form, without damaging the true nature and nutrition of the food. The enzymes in the food retain much higher nutrient levels in this form. We need enzymes for […]

Natural Remedy For Constipation

Nancy Addison, nutritionist and celebrity chef, shares her delcious recipe for a constipation remedy that is easy to make.

I started a new section in my monthly newsletter. It is called: Ask Nancy. It has become very popular.People send me a question and each month, in my newsletter, I answer one of them. My question this month is about a natural remedy for constipation. This month’s question is: What is the best, natural remedy […]

Reboot your Energy, your Brain and your Business with a Simple Recipe of Happiness!

happiness is a state of mind and a choice.

Let’s all give ourselves the recipe of success! What is that recipe? It appears that it is happiness. My friend Katie Irwin, from Vancouver told me about this video. It is all about a positive outlook on life. Shawn Anchor says that with positive psychology, we can reboot our brains. When we start believing in ourselves […]

The Movie: Courage with Nancy Addison: Actress and Stunt Woman

Nancy Addison. nutritionist, was also an actress and a stunt woman riding off into the sunset_in the movie, Courage.

Author, Chef, Speaker: Nancy Addison is the Stunt Woman in the Movie  “Courage” “Courage”  premiered in Ft. Worth, TX.  Great Texas musicians, like Stephanie Urbina Jones and John Inman are some of the actors. Making the movie was really great fun for Nancy. The man who is the director, was the director of my cooking show […]

Relationships And Fighting Fair

This article is about fighting fairly when you have a disagreement with someone you truly care about.

Relationships are a vital part of our lives and can directly impact our health and well-being. Relationships are fragile and need to be nurtured and protected. With all of the present-day craziness of: politics, the economy, the weather, internet relationships, isolation because of electronics, text messaging, etc., it can put a strain on any relationship. […]