A Holistic Approach To Heart Disease

Holistic Remedies for Heart Disease disease nancy addison, Organic healthy life

February is National Heart Awareness Month. There is new research and information coming out all the time regarding the best way to take care of our health. It has been proven that reversing heart disease holistically is possible. In this article, I will expand on things you can do in order to holistically reverse heart […]

Vitamin D And Your Health

Holistic Ways To Lift Depression , by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

With it currently being winter here in North America, and also cold in a lot of other places, we are all indoors a lot more of the time and not out in the sunshine getting our vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential because it influences your entire body. Receptors that respond to the vitamin have […]

Baked Cauliflower With Tahini Sauce And Raisins – Gluten-free & Plant-based

Baked Cauliflower With Tahini Sauce And Raisins - Gluten-free & Plant-based, by Nancy Addison, organic Healthy life

Baked cauliflower is always delicious, but when you add tahini sauce to it, the health benefits soar. Tahini is a sesame butter/paste that is popular in Middle Eastern cuisine. “Studies show sesamol, a natural chemical found in sesame seeds and sesame oil, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging benefits. Other studies say it also has strong […]

A Healthier Eating Plan For The New Year

A Healthy Eating Plan For The New Year, by Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

It is a new year and time to get healthy after our holiday food indulgences. So let’s get started on the path to cleansing and detoxifying our bodies! The food we eat and the physical environment we live in causes us to accumulate toxins, which limits our physical stamina and impairs our immune system. If […]

Plant-Based Eggnog and Cinnamon Chai Tea Latte Recipes

Plant-Based Eggnog and Cinnamon Chai Tea Latte Recipes by nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Merry Christmas! One of my favorite things to do at Christmas-time is to make a warm cozy drink. Two of my favorite winter holiday drinks are Plant-Based Eggnog and Cinnamon Chai Tea Latte. Here are the recipes! Plant-Based Eggnog This is an easy recipe to make and it is plant-based and gluten-free. I try to […]

Holiday Broccoli Lasagna Recipe – Vegetarian And Can Be Gluten Free

broccoli lasagna recipe , gluten free, vegetarian, by nancy Addison, organic healthy life

I love lasagna, and this is one of my favorite dishes to serve when I have company. It is easy to make ahead of time, refrigerate, and then reheat. This looks like a complicated recipe, but it is actually pretty easy. You can buy frozen broccoli and spinach and thaw them, and buy cheeses already […]

The Holy Grail of Age Reversal & Rejuvenation!

Rejuvenate Your Health, Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Leading health specialist and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Janet Kieffer, a holistic health advocate, who owned a fitness club and health food store and Barbara Larabee, a holistic health advocate. They expand on new technology being used by athletes and the US armed forces. They discuss how they have been helping people, […]

Creating Healthy Holiday Food

Creating healthy holiday food by nancy addison, Organic Healthy Life

Even though it is a little harder these days, we have long held the tradition of sharing a meal with family and friends during the holidays. However, many of our holiday foods often involve a number of rich, savory foods, creamy dips and fried foods. These foods taste good, but they don’t always make our […]

Creating A Healthy And Wonderful Holiday Season

Creating Healthier Holiday Food And Handling Stress, Nancy Addison, Organic healthy life

Leading health expert, author, and radio show host Nancy Addison talks about ways to make healthier food, create new traditions, and how to handle stress during the holidays. She also expands on creating delicious healthy foods that everyone can enjoy. Nancy also talks about healthier gift choices. Nancy explains ways to boost your immune system, […]

Holistic Remedies And Thoughts Concerning The World With Two Doctors

Dr. Henry Ealy and Dr. Bryan Ardis share thoughts on holistic remedies, with Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Radio show host, Nancy Addison, talks with Dr. Bryan Ardis, (a Chiropractor, Certified Acupuncturist, Nutritionist, researcher, and show host), and Dr. Henry Ealy, (Founder & Director for the Energetic Health Institute, Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition).  They share thoughts on holistic health and their thoughts on a number of topics. Go […]