Food Quality, The Environment And Our Health

Nancy Addison, nutritionist discusses the quality of our food and how it affects our overall health and well being.

Leading health specialist and radio show host, Nancy Addison discusses ways that you can have a healthier diet. She expands on ways to get your children to eat healthier too! Nancy also touches on how the food we choose to eat, affects the environment and our world. She describes how to choose the healthier foods […]

How To Sleep And Rest Better

How To Sleep And Rest Better by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Sleep can become a problem in today’s high paced, stressed-out world. It’s World Sleep Day, and so I’m addressing a vital part of our lives and our well-being. I’ve heard more and more people of all ages tell me how they can’t get to sleep, and that they  have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. […]

Super Breakfast Smoothie Recipe For Optimum Health

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses how to have healthy breakfasts.

Smoothies can be a symphony of nutrients and fiber! Try this easy, delicous smoothie recipe for optimum health. You can have smoothies as a meal or a snack, or freeze them in popsicle molds and have them as a healthy desert. I put healthy fat in my smoothies, because my research shows that healthy fat […]

Aldi Stops Selling Products That Contain Neonicotinoid Pesticides And Is Going Organic

Aldi is going organic.

Good news to start off a Friday from Nancy, your Renegade Nutritionist Most of you know how much certain things mean to me, such as protecting our bees, safeguarding our environment, and living an organic lifestyle. I am not that easily impressed, but there is a supermarket called Aldi, that is known for its low […]

Let’s Talk About Soy

Nancy Addison, nutritioinist, discusses soy and the various compoents of how it is either healthy or harmful. She goes into detail in this article and she lists sources of information.

Many people eat soy, drink soymilk and consume products with soy as an ingredient. I’m asked questions about soy frequently by people trying to eat a plant-based diet, so I thought I would address soy and your health.. Soy has many negative effects on health because it is difficult to digest, affects your hormones, and is […]

Tests Reveal That High Levels Of Weed Killer Is In Food, Including Baby Food

High Levels Of Weed Killer Is In Food, Including Baby Food.

Tests Reveal That High Levels Of Weed Killer Is In our food supply, and that Includes Baby Food! An FDA-registered Food Safety Testing Laboratory found very high levels of the pesticide glyphosate (the active ingredient in round-up weed killer, which is made by Monsanto) in some popular brand foods. This includes: Cheerios, Oreos, Doritos, and […]

Plants Have A Powerful Impact On Our Health And Well-being

Dental Health - Toothpastes, Mouthwashes, & Tooth Whitening, by Nancy addison, nutritionist

Fall is here and winter is just around the corner. At this time of year, we tend to spend much more time indoors. We aren’t outside as much and around the gardens or plants in our yard or park. Having plants, going for a walk in the park, or even looking at a landscape poster […]

How To Have A Healthy Halloween

How to have a healthy halloween with recipe, by nancy addison, nutritionist

Halloween is almost here, and everyone is wondering what costume to wear and what treats to give. Careful planning can make this holiday even more enjoyable than you imagined. Sugar is usually the treat of choice, but it is harmful to our health. Since we want to set a good example for our children, I’ve […]

Could Food Additives And Dyes Be Causing Your Child’s ADHD Or Hyperactivity?

Could Food Additives And Dyes Be Causing Your Child's ADHD Or Hyperactivity?

As we get back to school or work after the summer break, I thought I’d touch on something that affects us all, if we are eating any kind of processed food. It would be helpful to be aware of this whenever you are purchasing any snacks or meals from a fast food restaurant, or buying […]

16: What Supplements Are Right For You? Part 1

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses vitamins, nutrients, and foods necessary for healing and optimum health.

Health/Nutrition Expert, Radio Show Host- Nancy Addison expands on the various supplements she feels are important for optimum health and well-being. Nancy describes the quality, the various types and what to look for when shopping for supplements. She also goes into detail on carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, cleanses, intestinal help with regularity. Tune in for […]