Could Food Additives And Dyes Be Causing Your Child’s ADHD Or Hyperactivity?

Could Food Additives And Dyes Be Causing Your Child's ADHD Or Hyperactivity?

As we get back to school or work after the summer break, I thought I’d touch on something that affects us all, if we are eating any kind of processed food. It would be helpful to be aware of this whenever you are purchasing any snacks or meals from a fast food restaurant, or buying […]

16: What Supplements Are Right For You? Part 1

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses vitamins, nutrients, and foods necessary for healing and optimum health.

Health/Nutrition Expert, Radio Show Host- Nancy Addison expands on the various supplements she feels are important for optimum health and well-being. Nancy describes the quality, the various types and what to look for when shopping for supplements. She also goes into detail on carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, cleanses, intestinal help with regularity. Tune in for […]

Water – The Elixir Of Life!

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses the best types of water to drink fo rour health.

Water is the elixir of life! Water is a key ingredient for our health and well-being because our bodies are 66–72% water. Blood uses water to transport oxygen, nutrients, and antibodies to all parts of the body. In this article I’m going t expand on the best waters for your health, as well as details […]

Food For The Soul Retreat

Food For The Soul Retreat April 6- 13th, 2016 (sold out); July 28 – Aug. 4; Aug. 7 – Aug. 14; Nov. 13 – Nov 20, 2016.   A Certificate Of Basic Intensive In Healthy Food Cuisine is given to all participants when you come and attend my classes on preparing healthy food at the […]

Make Healthy Eating Delicious This New Year!

Nancy Addison, chef and nutritionist discusses ways to make healthy eating delicious.

 As we emerge from the holidays with joy and peace in our hearts, let’s start off the New Year with thoughts of making the coming year even better and healthier. I frequently talk to people who think that eating healthier doesn’t always taste delicious. But, the good news is that when we start doing something […]

Detox Salad Recipe

Nancy addison, nutritionist and chef, shares her delcious, healthy detox salad recipe for optimum health.

I hope you have had a fabulous and magical holiday with your family and friends! This is one of our favorite salads to eat,  especially after holidays of rich, heavy meals. Many of my clients have made it and loved it. Now, I’m documenting it here so you can refer back to this recipe over […]

Making Healthier Holiday Foods This Season!

Making Healthier Holiday Foods This Season with Nancy addison, nutritionist, organic, heathy, life

I love the tradition of sharing a meal with family and friends on an annual basis. For this reason, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. The American Thanksgiving is a traditional meal inspired by the pilgrims. The original feast was probably shared sometime in the fall, possibly in October, with the Wampanoag first nation’s […]

Bees and Butterflies Make Our Lives More Beautiful And So Much Healthier

Nancy addison discusses her petition to ban cheicals that are killiing bees, butterflies and destroying the environment.

While I was outdoors walking in the fresh air and sunshine this morning, I was thinking about how much I love all of our wonderful plants, bees, and butterflies. Then I thought about the roses that people are planting now, (called “knock out roses”) that have NO nectar, and thus are starving our precious pollinators […]

Relief of Menopause Symptoms In A Natural & Healthy Way!

Nancy Addison, nutritionists talks with Lisa Pineiro about how to releave menopause symptons in a natural way.

Many ladies ask me for relief of menopause symptoms. They don’t want to do synthetic pharmaceuticals, they would prefer to use natural aids for helping deal with symptoms as a result of menopause. In this article, I’ll give some of my best advice for anyone struggling with menopause.  Menopause is not a disease or illness; […]

The Magic Of Enzymes!

Budget Friendly Fresh Organic Produce For Optimum Health, by Nancy addison, organic healthy life

The Magic Of Enzymes! It’s all about energy! Live enzymes in food play a crucial role in our health because we have a limited supply of digestive enzymes in our system. When we are young, we have a natural abundance of enzymes. By the time we are elderly, we have lost over half of our […]