A Healthier Eating Plan For The New Year

A Healthy Eating Plan For The New Year, by Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

It is a new year and time to get healthy after our holiday food indulgences. So let’s get started on the path to cleansing and detoxifying our bodies! The food we eat and the physical environment we live in causes us to accumulate toxins, which limits our physical stamina and impairs our immune system. If […]

The Holy Grail of Age Reversal & Rejuvenation!

Rejuvenate Your Health, Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Leading health specialist and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Janet Kieffer, a holistic health advocate, who owned a fitness club and health food store and Barbara Larabee, a holistic health advocate. They expand on new technology being used by athletes and the US armed forces. They discuss how they have been helping people, […]

Holistic Remedies And Thoughts Concerning The World With Two Doctors

Dr. Henry Ealy and Dr. Bryan Ardis share thoughts on holistic remedies, with Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Radio show host, Nancy Addison, talks with Dr. Bryan Ardis, (a Chiropractor, Certified Acupuncturist, Nutritionist, researcher, and show host), and Dr. Henry Ealy, (Founder & Director for the Energetic Health Institute, Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition).  They share thoughts on holistic health and their thoughts on a number of topics. Go […]

Creating Better Health That Is Chemical Free

Creating Better Health That Is Chemical Free, Tim James With Chemical Free Body and Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Leading health expert, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison with guest Tim James, who created Chemical Free Body. Tim discusses the nutrition, digestion, and lifestyle. Tim tells about his life’s journey and how serious health problems led him to find holistic solutions for healing body, mind, and spirit. They expand on how hydrogen, […]

Healing Trauma And Redirecting Your Life

Healing Trauma And Redirecting Your Life with Carole Maureen Friesen and Nancy Addison, organic heaalthy life

Leading health expert and radio show host, Nancy Addison discusses psychosomatic therapy with Carole Maureen Friesen, a renowned teacher of Body-Mind Analysis & Sacred Body Language at the “Heaven And Earth Sanctuary” in Costa Rica.  They expand on ways to adjust your posture or the way you stand, that can help you redirect your life and […]

Healing Frequencies of the Human Body

Healing Frequencies And Our Health With Sharon Carne and Nancy Addison , Organic Healthy Life

Leading health expert and radio show host Nancy Addison talks with sound therapy specialist, Sharon Carne with Sound Wellness and author of “Listen From The Inside Out”.  Sharon talks about how certain frequencies of sound are used as part of holistic therapies with nervous system and brainwaves to promote healing of the body and mind. Sharon discusses frequency […]

Healing With Breath, Song, And Nature

Maryann De Leo, Nancy Addison, healing with nature, song, breath, and nature, organic healthy life

Leading health specialist/radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with academy award-winning documentary filmmaker, master gardener, singer, and co-author of “Alive And Cooking,”  Maryann De Leo. They discuss the tremendous healing effects of breathing in and absorbing the biomedical mixture in forests and how the terpenes, from “forest air” can boost the immune system. They also expand […]

How To Eat Healthy With A Busy Schedule

Being healthy in a complicated world, with Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life, nutritionist

When you are incredibly busy, how do you eat healthy? Between work, school, events, family, kids, and everything concerning life, it may seem impossible to eat healthy. Here are my top tips for maintaining your healthy eating and health, while on the go with an busy schedule. Start your day by eating a good nutritious […]

Dr. Elizabeth Plourde & Nancy Addison Discuss Health In The World Today (Video)

COVID-19, EMF's, Sunscreens, & Health, nancy addison, organic healthy lifestyle

  Covid19, EMF’s, Sunscreens, & Your Health Leading nutritionist, award-winning author, radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Dr. Elizabeth Plourde, a Clinical Laboratory Scientist (C.L.S.) – degrees in both Biological Science & Psychology, & author. Dr. Plourde discusses the impact of EMF’s. sunscreens, and their impact on hormones, cancer, and the environment. They expand […]

Chocolate Covered Bananas On A Stick – Gluten-free & Vegan

Chocolate Covered Bananas On A Stick, recipe, nancy addison, culinary vegetarian, organic healthy life

This is a fun and healthy recipe to make, as well as to enjoy, that can contribute to lifting your spirits. Bananas are high in vitamin B6, which helps synthesize feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which can lift your mood. Cacao is a good source of magnesium, which reduces anxiety and boosts the mood, […]