Can Hugs Heal?

Can Hugs Heal? by nancy addison, organic healthy life

As Valentine’s Day draws near, my research shows that hugs can actually ward off stress and protect the immune system. It is my opinion (after 35 years of research) that isolation or “social distancing” can actually harm your health. According to research by psychologist Dr. Sheldon Cohen, hugs can actually protect our health and improve […]

Reversing Heart Disease Naturally With Lifestyle And Diet

Holistic Remedies for Heart Disease disease nancy addison, Organic healthy life

I was recently asked a question: I have heart disease. I have learned that a vegetarian diet can reverse heart disease. I bought your book, “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian” 2nd edition and I’m on a vegetarian diet . I know I am doing much better thanks to your wonderful nutrition-packed cookbook, but my […]

Natural Remedies For Healing Things That Can Bug You This Summer

Natural Remedies For Healing Things That Can Bug You This Summer , by Nancy ADdison, organic healthy life

Warm summer days and nights can sometimes be a struggle if you are hurting from too much sun, poison ivy, poison oak, mosquito, fire ants, bug bites, or jellyfish stings. So, here are a few emergency remedies that may help you have a smooth sailing summer of fun! What’s bugging you? While summer is the […]

Natural Remedies For Healing All Those Things Summer Can Throw Your Way

award-winning author, Nancy Addison discusses the various aspects of energy and mentalfocus or mindset affect our health, with with Charlotte Ammerman

That warm summer days and nights can sometimes be a struggle. Painful sunburn, poison ivy or poison oak, mosquito or bug bites, and allergies can be a challenge. Here are a few emergency remedies that may help you have a smooth sailing, painless summer of fun! Bug Bites Whether it is a mosquito or beach […]

Caring For Elderly Parents

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, and Maryann De Leo discuss their book, Alive and Cooking. It's about how to have good nutrition and care for elderly.

Leading health specialist and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with co-author, Maryann De Leo about their book, “Alive And Cooking.” Their nutrition packed book, is also a cookbook, that celebrates family, love, food, lifestyle and health. They expand on ways to make more nutritious food for older or elderly people. They share ways in which […]

Prevent Disease With Diet And Lifestyle

Nancy Addison, nutritionist discusses how to prevent disease with diet and lifestyle.

Leading health specialist, best-selling, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison expands on  various ways to achieve optimum health. She discusses ingredients and why quality is important. She talks about how you can choose the best foods for your health or preventing diseases, like diabetes, cancer or heart disease.  Nancy also addresses daily routines that can […]

Health And Healing Through The Vegetarian Diet

Weightloss, hydration, and nutrition for optimum health in the summer, with nancy addison, nutritionist

Leading health specialist, best-selling, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison discusses the vegetarian diet and ways to obtain optimum health. She addresses protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Nancy shares her tips for preparing delicious, healthy food easily. This show is for anyone who would love to have better health and a stronger immune system, […]

How I Overcame My Scoliosis

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, expands on ways to make the healthiest choices for your health.

Some of you may know that I was diagnosed with scoliosis about 35 years ago. I never really wanted to address it, and I tried  to ignore it for a long time. I continually struggled with my arms becoming numb, and I would get a backache so severe that I would have to go lie […]