Irish Stew – Recipe – Gluten-free

Irish Stew Recipe, Gluten free, Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

I co-authored the book  “Alive and Cooking” with my friend Maryann De Leo. Half of the book is recipes and the other half includes healthy recipes and the other half is filled with health, nutrition, and lifestyle information for older adults and people taking care of elderly parents. Maryann’s dear friend Chris’s mother (Gladys) was […]

Gingerbread Cookies – Two Recipes – Gluten & Gluten-free

Gingerbread Cookies - Two Recipes - Gluten & Gluten-free, by vegetarian chef, nancy addison, orgnaic healthy life

My mother decorated a gingerbread house a few years ago and she said it was so much fun! (That is her in the photo above and she was around 90 at the time.) It sat in her living room throughout the holidays and she was so proud of it. Whether we make gingerbread cookies to […]

GLADYS’S IRISH STEW – Gluten-free Recipe

I co-authored “Alive and Cooking” with my friend Maryann De Leo. Half of the book is recipes and the other half is health, nutrition, and lifestyle information for older adults and people taking care of elderly parents. Maryann’s dear friend Chris’s mother (Gladys) was known for her delicious Irish stew. This is an easy gluten-free […]

Happy Love Day! Raspberry Muffin Recipe – Gluten-free

Happy Love Day! Raspberry Muffin Recipe - Gluten-free, by Nancy addison, organic healthy life

Thoughtful gifts, fragrant flowers, and dinner dates are all great, and they mean a lot… but true LOVE is what really matters. The best gift we can ever give someone is being truly present for them, which means listening with our hearts as well as our ears. This means connecting with peaceful, deep, love-filled presence […]

Making Healthier Holiday Food!

Even though it can be a little more challenging these days, we have long held the tradition of sharing a meal with family and friends during the holidays. I feel it is more important than ever to get together and laugh, hug each other, communicate, and share meals. However, many of our holiday foods often […]

A Discussion Concerning Lifestyle, Stress, Cooking, Gardening, Exercise, And Handling Relationships

Charlotte Ammerman Discusses Lifestyle, Stress, Cooking,Gardening, Exercise, Handling Relationships with Nancy addison, organic healthy life

Leading nutritionist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Charlotte Ammerman. Nancy and Charlotte discuss lifestyle in lockdown. They expand on ways to handle relationship dynamics and logistics of creating a healthy, easy, joyful home in this new world situation  They also expand on the things people can implement that can help them […]

Safe Grilling Tips For The Summer Cookout!

Lift your mood naturally, stress remedies, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

As you fire up your barbecue grill for the Fourth of July, Labor Day, or other fun weekend get-togethers this summer, it is important to know a few tips to protect you and your friends and family from the potentially dangerous chemicals that grilling your meat can create. Grilling, frying, broiling, (and other cooking methods […]

The Truth About Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive oil, nancy addison, organic , healthy, lifestyle,

Nutritionist, leading health specialist, and radio show host, Nancy Addison, and guest, Marco Petrini, president of Monini USA and a member of the European Olive Oil Consortium, discuss the quality of Extra Virgin Olive Oils (EVOO). Marco explains details about growing, processing, distribution, and storage of premium EVOO. He expands on what to look for on […]

Healthy Kitchen Equipment – Essentials

Everyone needs some fundamental kitchen equipment for your basic food preparation, even if you don’t cook every meal at home.  Here are a few of my recommendations for equipping a healthy kitchen with essentials that will make your life easier and healthier.  When my children were at college, they called and asked me what kitchen […]

Health And Nutrition Retreats With Nancy Addison, in Nicaragua

award-winning author, Nancy Addison discusses the various aspects of energy and mentalfocus or mindset affect our health, with with Charlotte Ammerman

Nutrition expert, gourmet chef, raw food chef and acclaimed author: Nancy Addison talks with Charlotte Ammerman while they are in Nicaragua hosting rejuvenation retreats for people who would like an adventure and learn about the healing diet they can incorporate into their own life for a healthier lifestyle. Nancy Addison’s 6 international award-winning books can […]