Lee Merritt MD Shares Thoughts On Health

Lee Merritt MD Shares Thoughts On Health, With Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

Leading nutritionist & radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Dr. Lee Merritt, a graduate of University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, an Orthopedic Surgeon for 9 years in the US Navy, as well as the only woman appointed as the Louis A. Goldstein Fellow of Spinal Surgery. She was the past President […]

Soy And Edamame – Are They A Healthy Food?

Are soy or edamame healthy for you? by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Edamame is very popular, and it does appear to look very healthy. It’s green, it’s fun to eat, and we are taught that green foods are healthy for us, right? Edamame is a soy bean, picked while it’s still green. Edamame contains isoflavones, which are compounds that are chemically identical to estrogen, the female sex […]

Remedy For Constipation & Irregularity – For Your Well-being

Recently I had someone ask me about constipation. He said, “I have had terrible constipation and I can’t seem to get it resolved. Please give me some advice.” So,  my answer is: This is a very important subject to address. If your body is not eliminating wastes efficiently after each meal, there may be some […]

Cholesterol And Your Health

Cholesterol and your health, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Cholesterol is an extremely important topic with many of my health counseling clients. Many of them are (or have been) on cholesterol-lowering drugs, or have been told by their medical doctors to keep their cholesterol low. As I have researched this over the years, I have come to the exact opposite conclusion. Cholesterol is necessary […]

Plant-based Mushroom Burger Recipe – Vegetarian

Planted-based Mushroom Burger Recipe, nancy addison, organic healthy life - vegetarian recipe

It is National Mushroom Month! Many of you may be cooking outdoors this month. This is a great vegan/vegetarian version to serve plant-based diners. I used to take a portobello mushroom with me whenever I went to cookouts and I wanted to have something plant-based to eat with everyone. I have made this for many […]

Sprouts – An Ultimate Superfood!

sprouts and ultimate superfood, nancy addison, organic healthy lifestyle

It’s springtime here in Texas and we see bright green sprouts of leaves and buds appearing everywhere! I find it simply invigorating to gaze at. Sprouts are the ultimate superfood, incredibly nutritious and packed with power. Sprouts are the basis of life because they rejuvenate, re-energize, and heal. Sprouts are one of the most nutritionally-rich […]

What Is Plant-Based Eating And Why It Matters

What Is Plant-Based Eating And Why It Matters? by Nancy Addison, organic Healthy life, vegetarian, vegan, diets, information

The once “creature food-dominated” world is now starting to cater to the newest trend of plant-based diners. The fastest growing group of baby-boomers and the younger generation are now moving toward a more plant-based lifestyle and eating plan. They are doing this for health, as well as living a life filled with compassion for all […]

Create A Program For Health & Vitality!

Holistic Ways To Lift Depression , by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

We all want to be our healthiest and have radiance from the inside out. We may also wish to get in shape for the warmer weather, when we wear shorts or a swimsuit. So, where to start? Eating locally grown, fresh organic foods has many benefits for health and weight loss. When we get healthier, […]

Keeping Our Body Alkaline

Alkalizing our body, nancy addison, organic healthy life

Recently, I have been reading more and more about how the pH (alkalinity) of our body is critical to our overall health. Our bodies become acidic through stress and the foods we eat. The concept of balancing acid in the body has been around since the 1930’s when Dr. William Howard Hay published a book […]

Cancer And A Holistic Treatment

Cancer And A Holistic Treatment, Dr. simoncini, discusses cancer remedies that are holistic, nancy addison, organic healthy life

Leading nutritionist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Tullio Simoncini MD an Italian oncologist, with a PhD in Philosophy, and author of “Cancer Is A Fungus.” Dr. Simoncini is known for successfully treating cancer with intravenous sodium bicarbonate. Dr. Simoncini expands on how his protocol with sodium bicarbonate works, living a healthy lifestyle, […]