Maryann and I just finished writing our monthly article for the Celebration magazine’s February Issue. We are very excited about being there health and nutrition columnists! This month we are doing our introduction column and it is for February, so our theme is Food, Family and Love!
Lighten Up This New Year Get a fresh start this January. Do you hear your inner voice saying “It’s the New Year, I want a better life! Time to get a new start! So, stop wasting time doing the same old stuff.” It is such a challenge not to over-indulge during the holidays, and all […]
I had such a good time talking about holiday food with Amy Kushnir on The Broadcast, today on KTXD- TV. My daughter Amanda went with me to the set. I made a recipe from Maryann De Leo and my new book, “Alive and Cooking.” We can eat food on holidays that doesn’t make […]
Make Your Home Smell Christmas-y! Merry Christmas to your family from Mine May all the joys of this beautiful holiday season be yours. One of my favorite things to do at Christmas time is to make my house smell Christmas-y!! Simply but a pot of water on the stove and throw in a couple of […]
When I was living in London, I loved smelling the roasted chestnuts sold on street corners during winter. When chestnuts are roasted they fill the air with a wonderful aroma. Rich, delicious chestnuts add flavor to many of Europe’s winter dishes. Chestnuts are low in fat and high in protein and fiber. […]
Traveling can be fun, but also stressful. One of the things that many people complain about when traveling is the lack of healthy food choices at airports. I have noticed a trend toward more healthy choices at airports in the last six months. So, I am optimistic about the future of eating healthier while traveling. […]
Book Signing At Stoneleigh P For Nancy Addison The Stoneleigh P, owned by Tom Garrison, hosted a book signing for Nancy Addison Wednesday, November 6, 2013. They served dishes made from recipes from Nancy and Maryann De Leo’s new book, Alive and Cooking. Tom Spicer, of FM 1410 and his sister, Susan Spicer, a […]
Healthy Habits For The Holiday Season As we head into the holidays, it’s easy to get off-track from your normal, healthy lifestyle. So, it is time to do a little planning in order to create and maintain your health as the winter draws near and schedules start to become filled. Thinking ahead and being prepared […]
The 4 million dollar sugar industry’s Halloween festival could be just the opportunity you have been waiting for to introduce new foods to your child’s diet. Instead of the normal refined sugar and high-fructose corn syrup candies that give their body a roller coaster ride, try making them a healthy treat that is also fun. […]
Salt is so controversial these days and I hear people say regularly, that they don’t use salt. Salt is seen by many organizations, such as the American Heart Association, as an unhealthy substance. What I’m going to expand on in this article, is why it’s controverial and also which ones are actually beneficial for your […]