Whole-Grain, Sprouted, Cooked Rice Recipe – Gluten-free

Copper is naturally anti-bacterial article by Nancy addison, Organic healthy life

This is a delicious rice recipe that I make frequently. I start the recipe a day or two ahead of when I wish to serve the rice, because I sprout all my organic, whole-grain rice. Sprouting rice, grains, seeds, lentils, and beans removes the phytic acid. This removes the enzyme inhibitors and makes them more digestible. I add coconut oil, ghee, and mineral-rich salt to add more richness and flavor to a basic rice dish. This recipe yields approximately six 1-cup servings.


2 c. whole, sprouted-grain brown basmati rice

4 c. non-chlorinated water

½  tsp. mineral-rich salt

1 T. extra virgin, pure coconut oil

1–2 T. ghee (optional)



1. Use sprouted whole-grain rice or if your rice is not already sprouted, this is what to do.
Soak the rice for 12 to 16 hours or overnight in pure water to sprout it, then pour off the water and get fresh water to cook it in.

2. After soaking for 12 to 16 hours, you rinse the rice thoroughly in a small-weave sieve until water runs clear.
Set aside.

3. Bring water to a boil in a large pot. Add the sprouted rice, mineral-rich salt, coconut oil, and let boil for a couple of minutes while stirring.

4. Reduce heat to a simmer.

5. Cover pot tightly and do not disturb for 35 to 40 minutes. Do not stir.

6. When it looks as if all the water is absorbed, (a clear lid on the pot is helpful), the rice is ready.

7. Let rice sit in the pot (off the heat) for five minutes. Fluff rice with a fork.

8. Add ghee, if using, and stir gently.

9. Gently scoop out the rice and serve warm.


  1. A rice cooker is an easy way to make rice quickly and perfectly every time.

  2. Long-grain rice is fluffier, whereas medium-grain is a little moister.

By Nancy Addison


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