The Best Way To Stay Hydrated For Optimum Health!

The Best Way To Stay Hydrated For Optimum Health , by Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

Water is the elixir of life ! Water makes up a predominant part of the body (66 – 72% water) and is a critical component for many important functions, which include blood flow, flushing out waste, aiding the body in regulating temperature, and supporting the brain’s functions. Blood uses water to transport oxygen, nutrients, and […]

Detoxification, Your Health, And Having A Healthy Weight

We are coming out of winter and it’s almost spring…a perfect time to get a jump-start on spring cleaning your body! There are many reasons to clean out the inside of your body on a regular basis. Clean cells and a clean body, inside and out, are the secret to having more energy, looking younger, […]

A Discussion About Water And The State Of The World Today With Gina Bria and Kenny Lu

Leading nutritionist/health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Gina Bria (with the Hydration Foundation) and Kenny Lu (with Spring Aqua), about the importance of quality water. Nancy, Gina, and Kenny discuss a large range of topics concerning the health benefits of consuming structured mineral-rich water. They expand of the various […]

Let’s Get Hydrated!

Leading nutritionist/health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Gina Bria (with the Hydration Foundation) and Kenny Lu (with Spring Aqua), about the importance of quality water. Nancy, Gina, and Kenny discuss the health benefits of consuming structured mineral-rich water. They expand of the various ways structured water works in the […]

Water – The Elixir Of Life

Water - The Elixir Of Life, Nancy Addison and Kenny LU with Spring Aqua, discuss hydration, Organic Helathy Life

Leading nutritionist/health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Kenny Lu, with Spring Aqua, about the importance of quality water. Nancy and Kenny discuss the health benefits of consuming structured, hydrogen-rich, mineral-rich water. They expand of the various ways hydrogen works in the body, what does mineral-rich mean, and why buying […]

Nutritional Suggestions For Health, Addressing Oxidative Stress, Coronavirus, And Essential Nutrients

“Some physicians would rather stand by and see their patient die than use ascorbic acid, because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin. Vitamin C is the safest substance available to the physician.” – Dr. Frederick Klenner Although all nutrients and minerals are important for optimum health, there are a few nutrients […]

Health Benefits Of Magnesium

As I have researched health and nutrition during the past 33 years, I continue to encounter the incredible healing power of magnesium. Magnesium is a trace mineral necessary for hundreds of bodily functions. Studies show that a deficiency of magnesium has been linked to diabetes, migraines, allergies, anxiety, asthma, attention deficit disorder, calcification of soft […]

Water Quality Is Paramount

The Best Way To Stay Hydrated For Optimum Health , by Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

Water is a key ingredient for our health and well-being because our bodies are 66–72% water. Water is the elixir of life. Blood uses water to transport oxygen, nutrients, and antibodies to all parts of the body. In this article I’m going to expand on the best waters for your health, as well as details […]

Weightloss And Hydration In The Summer Season

Leading health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison expands on various ways to make your food more nutritious. She also discusses ways to lose weight in a healthy way, so you aren’t gaining it back later. Nancy addresses optimum hydration during the summer season and why cutting down on drinking water will prevent […]

Organic Gardening Tips

Nancy Addison discusses creating an organic garden, healhty food, and how to do it yourself easily.

Renegade nutritionist and radio show host- Nancy Addison talks with Radio Show Host (KLDG The Country Giant) – Richard Kemp about organic gardening, pollinators, using clean water for gardening, genetically modified seeds, organic seeds, how to make compost tea and toxic-free pest control, and much, much more! Nancy discusses why organic food is healthier and […]