Diet Can Be A Powerful Treatment For Diabetes

Diabetes And Your Diet, Diet Can be Powerful For Diabetes, Nancy Addison, Organic healthy Life

More than 100 million people today have diabetes or pre-diabetes. A recent study conducted by a team of American and Japanese researchers showed that people who have diabetes can vastly improve their health by eating an entirely plant-based diet. (1) During my work with people who have diabetes, I have found that they show remarkable […]

Vitamin D And Your Health

With it currently being winter here in North America, and also cold in a lot of other places, we are all indoors a lot more of the time and not out in the sunshine getting our vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential because it influences your entire body. Receptors that respond to the vitamin have […]

Dr. Stephanie Seneff Shares Her Thoughts On Obtaining Better Health

Better Health In Today’s Changing World With Dr. Stephanie Seneff Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

Leading nutritionist, award-winning author, & radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a Sr. Research Scientist at MIT. Dr. Seneff is published in many medical journals on topics like Alzheimer’s, Autism, Diabetes, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease. Dr. Seneff shares her brilliant research on heart disease, cholesterol, sulfur, vaccines, Vitamin D, the power […]

Boosting Immunity With Fermented Foods

boosting immunity with fermented foods, by Nancy addison, organic healthy lifestyle

I think most people are probably wondering how to boost their own immunity and avoid illness. What I do to boost my immunity is to add some fermented foods, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, selenium, B Vitamins, and fresh, organic vegetables and fruits to my daily eating plan. I recommend taking Liposomal Vitamin C, due […]

Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Autoimmune, and Autism Diseases

Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Autoimmune, and Autism Diseases, Dr. Stephanie Seneff & Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Lifestyle June 2020

Leading nutritionist, author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a Sr. Research Scientist at MIT. Dr. Seneff is published in many medical journals on topics: Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Autoimmune, and Autism Diseases, etc. Dr. Seneff discusses the impact of nutritional deficiencies, environmental toxins, and EMF’s on our health and the […]

Reversing Heart Disease Naturally With Lifestyle And Diet

I was recently asked a question: I have heart disease. I have learned that a vegetarian diet can reverse heart disease. I bought your book, “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian” 2nd edition and I’m on a vegetarian diet . I know I am doing much better thanks to your wonderful nutrition-packed cookbook, but my […]

A Discussion About Sunscreen, Vitamin D, Coronavirus, and EMFs

COVID-19, EMF's, Sunscreens, & Health, nancy addison, organic healthy lifestyle

Leading nutritionist, author, radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Dr. Elizabeth Plourde, a licensed Clinical Laboratory Scientist (C.L.S.) with degrees in both Biological Science and Psychology, and author. Dr. Plourde discusses the impact of sunscreens, and their impact on hormones, cancer, children, and the environment. They expand on discussions about the coronavirus, blood analysis […]

Discussion About Heart Disease and Cancer

Dr. Stephanie Seneff - Discussing Heart Disease & Cancer, Nancy Addison , Organic Healthy Lifestyle

Leading nutritionist, author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a Senior Research Scientist at MIT. Dr. Seneff is published in many medical journals on topics: Diabetes, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Autoimmune, and Autism Diseases, etc. Dr. Seneff discusses the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on our health. They expand […]

Discussion About Heart Disease and Cancer

Heart Disease, Lifestyle, And Diet, with Nancy Addison and Dr. Seneff discusses the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on our health.

Leading nutritionist, author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a Senior Research Scientist at MIT. Dr. Seneff is published in many medical journals on topics: Diabetes, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Autoimmune, and Autism Diseases, etc. Dr. Seneff discusses the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on our health. They expand […]

Sunscreens, Vitamin D, And Our Health

Renegade nutritionist, leading health specialist, and award-winning author Nancy Addison discusses the problems with sunscreens and how they harm our health and the aquatic environment. In addition to this, she addresses toxins in body care products, cleaning products, etc. and how they affect our health. Nancy shares recipes for homemade sunscreens, body care products, as […]