What Is Raw & Living Food With Enzymes?

What is raw and living food with enzymes, by Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

I have had some questions lately concerning enzymes and raw food. I am a certified raw food chef. Enzymes and living food foster good health. Enzymes are vital for healing the body, and also helping you look youthful, feel healthier, and become more energized. Enzymes are small molecules used by all the cells in the […]

Texas Vegetarian Chili Recipe – Plant-based & Gluten-free

Texas chili recipe, by nancy addison, culinary vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free

This is an easy, high protein, savory dish. I made this as a Celebrity Chef at the State Fair Of Texas one year. Everyone loved it! You can serve this chili with a sprouted brown rice or even put it into organic taco shells with some lettuce for healthy plant-based tacos. Why would you want […]

How To Eat Healthy With A Busy Schedule

Being healthy in a complicated world, with Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life, nutritionist

When you are incredibly busy, how do you eat healthy? Between work, school, events, family, kids, and everything concerning life, it may seem impossible to eat healthy. Here are my top tips for maintaining your healthy eating and health, while on the go with an busy schedule. Start your day by eating a good nutritious […]

Choosing Quality Fresh Produce And Proper Storage For Better Budgeting

How To Properly Store Fresh Fruits & Vegetables So They Last Longer, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy lifestyle

Fresh organic, non-GMO produce is part of a healthy eating plan and lifestyle. It can be a waste of money if it goes bad before we have a chance to enjoy it. Storing it properly is important. We go to the store and buy delicious-looking food. But then we get home and end up storing […]

Vegan Protein And Quality Food

Plant-based diet, Vegan Protein And Quality Food, Geoff Palmer, plant-based, clean machine, TS, Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Lifestyle podcast

Leading health specialist/radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Geoff Palmer, a 57year old, 35 yr Vegan is a Natural Bodybuilding and Natural Physique Masters Champion, the Owner of Clean Machine Plant-Based Fitness Nutrition, author, national lecturer, vegan patent holder,  NEXTY Winner for “Best Supplement of the Year” in 2016 & 2018, and First 100% Vegan Bodybuilding Competition […]

Diets, Hormones Eating Disorders, Vegetarian Diets, and Health

Diets, Hormones Eating Disorders, Vegetarian Diets with Kat James and Nancy Addison

Leading nutritionist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Kat James, transformational nutrition, lifestyle, and leptin pioneer, who wrote the Silver Nautilus Award-winning bestseller, “The Truth About Beauty.” Nancy and Kat discuss diets, hormones, eating disorders, vegetarian diets, and health. They expand on ways to handle nutrient and healthy fat deficiencies. They […]

Jeff Chilton: Health Benefits of Consuming Mushrooms

Jeff Chilton, mushrooms,lg, nancy addison, organic healthy lifestyle, helath benefits of mushrooms

Leading nutritionist/health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Jeff Chilton, founder of Nammex. Nammex was the first company to offer a complete line of Certified Organic mushroom extracts to the US nutritional supplement industry. Nancy and Jeff discuss the health benefits of consuming various mushrooms, including medicinal mushrooms. They expand […]

My Grandmother’s Carrot Salad Recipe

Grandmother's Carrot Salad Recipe by Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy life

I love this salad because it always reminds me of childhood days at my grandmother’s home. I double the recipe so I can have it handy for easy snacks or as a part of my meals throughout the week. I leave the carrots unpeeled to preserve all of their nutrients. The bright orange color of […]

Broccoli Lasagna Recipe

Broccoli Lasagna recipe by nutritionist Nancy Addison , organic Healthy life

I love lasagna, and this is one of my favorite dishes to serve when I have company. It is easy to make ahead of time, refrigerate, and then reheat. This looks like a complicated recipe, but it is actually pretty easy. You can buy frozen broccoli and spinach and thaw them, and buy cheeses already […]

Quality Food For A Healthier New Year

Nancy Discussing Brain Health, Memory, and Holistic Remedies, with Nancy Addison, nutritionist, organic healthy life

It is a new year, and it is a good time to get healthier after our holiday food indulgences. Many of my clients, friends, and children’s friends have tried to become healthier and lose weight, only to find they would gain weight quickly after they stopped their new fad diets. They soon found themselves trying […]