Recently I volunteer taught cooking classes for children at the local library summer camp. They had so much fun making these healthy cookies. They were absolutely delicious! These are more healthy than most health food bars. This is an easy recipe that takes about 10 min. to make. I use only organic ingredients. This recipe […]
Thoughtful gifts, fragrant flowers, and dinner dates are all great, and they mean a lot… but true LOVE is what really matters. The best gift we can ever give someone is being truly present for them, which means listening with our hearts as well as our ears. This means connecting with peaceful, deep, love-filled presence […]
May all the joys of this beautiful season be yours! One of my favorite things to do at Christmas time is to make a warm cozy drink. Two of my favorite winter holiday drinks are Vegan Eggnog and Cinnamon Chai Tea Latte. Here are the recipes! Vegan Eggnog This is an easy recipe to […]
Pear Bread Recipe Pear Bread is a delicious fruit-filled bread recipe. It is naturally sweet and full of flavor with fresh pears, cinnamon, vanilla, and nuts. This recipe makes a savory, special breakfast dish for holiday occasions or anytime. I started making this recipe, because my sweet neighbor kept bringing me lots of pears off […]
Many of you may be cooking out this 4th of July. This is a great vegan/vegetarian version to serve plant-based diners. I take a Portobello Mushroom with me when I am going to cookouts and I want to be able to have something plant-based to eat with everyone. (This is one of my favorite savory […]
I grew up in Texas with a family of Southern cooks. Biscuits were a favorite bread served with many meals. Here is an easy recipe. Gluten-free flour works well in this recipe. Biscuits are delicious reheated later, or buttered and broiled. Ingredients: 1 T. yeast (meant for use with whole-grain flour) 2 T. non-chlorinated warm […]
Many people don’t like eating vegetables. One way to help encourage the enjoyment of steamed vegetables is to add a sauce to them. This adds a richness to the flavor. It also makes some simple vegetables seem very festive. My mother always served this hollandaise sauce with cooked artichokes. It was one of Papa’s favorite […]
May the Irish hills caress you. May her lakes and rivers bless you. May the luck of the Irish enfold you. May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you. ~Irish Blessing I always think of Saint Patrick’s Day as a day of spring. I have lots of “Patricks” and red-haired people in my family, so […]
Wade Lightheart, Co-Founder of BiOptimizers, built a wealth of experience traveling the world. As a vegetarian bodybuilder, Wade competed in Mr. Universe and was a 3 time Canadian All-Natural bodybuilding champion. Wade shares his wisdom from a life traveling the world, dieting, and what led him to focus on digestion. Wade’s website with 10% off […]
New Year’s Day is here, and many of us will be having a traditional meal that is meant to bring us good luck. I feel like all of us worldwide could use a big helping of that at the moment. I’m from Texas, and on New Year’s Day, we ALWAYS serve black-eyed peas with our […]