How Do Sugar & Sweeteners Affect Us?

Sugar consumption is out of control. According to the US government, the average American consumes half a cup of caloric sweeteners per day, or 152 pounds per year. (1) Sugar has a reputation as the “white poison” because of the harmful effects it has on health. Although fat has been made out to be the […]

Eating Healthier At This Time Of Year (With A Green Smoothie Recipe)

People may or may not be celebrating Halloween this year, due to current events. But if it is celebrated, even on a smaller scale, it is always a good time to think about introducing healthier foods to your and your child’s diet. We want to protect our children from harm in all aspects of their […]

The Health Challenge Of Candida, Thrush, Fungus

Nancy Discussing Brain Health, Memory, and Holistic Remedies, with Nancy Addison, nutritionist, organic healthy life

Leading health specialist/radio show host, and award-winning author Nancy Addison, discusses the health challenge of candida, thrush, fungus. She talks about things you can do to make boost your immune system, reduce fungal overload, and what you can do to cultivate and protect a beneficial oral microbiome. Nancy discusses research concerning mouthwashes, toothpastes, mercury, and […]

Have A Healthy Halloween

Halloween is almost here, and everyone is wondering what costume to wear and what treats to give. Careful planning can make this holiday even more enjoyable than you imagined. Sugar is usually the main ingredient in the treat of choice, but too much sugar (or the type of sugar) can be harmful to our health. […]

Healthy Breakfasts

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses how to have healthy breakfasts.

Now that summer is over and we are all back at work or school, it is time to think about having a breakfast that really gets us going for the day in the most beneficial way! When we get up in the morning, we are breaking a fast. Our bodies are so empty, that whatever […]

Sugar, Sweeteners And Artificial Sweeteners For Optimum Health

With Halloween coming up, sugar is inevitably a part of most people’s October month. Sugar is also a key ingredient in numerous traditional holiday foods, and the holidays are just around the corner! In this article, I”ll discuss what sugar, sweeteners and artificial sweeteners are best for optimum health. Many of us want to keep […]

Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s Center For Nutritional Studies Features Nancy Addison’s article: How To Have A Healthy Halloween In Their October Newsletter

This Halloween, I feel everyone can have some fun without ruining their health. I wrote an article about this and put a lot of health information in it. I was thrilled today to find out that T. Colin Campbell used it in his Center For Nutritional Studies Newsletter this week. I studies with Dr. Campbell […]