Calcium – To Take Or Not To Take?

Calcium - To Take Or Not To Take? by Nutritionist, Nancy Addison

Calcium is an important mineral. It is necessary for maintaining bone strength. Calcium enables muscles to move and nerves to carry messages between the brain and other parts of the body. It is essential to our blood vessels’ ability to move blood throughout the body. Calcium plays a role in the release of hormones and […]

Living Life In Joy – Holistically

Living Life In Joy - Holistically, Lifewave Stem Cell patches, holistic healing, with Adele Good, Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

Leading health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Adele Good who has explored Sacred Sites on 5 continents to learn the power of light and energy for natural healing. They expand on various ways they live their lives to create better health and happiness. They both work with Lifewave Stem […]

Creating Better Health In The New Year

Creating Better Health In The New Year with Adele Good On Travel, Wellness, And Joy With Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Leading health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Adele Good, who has explored Sacred Sites on 5 continents to learn the power of light and energy for natural healing. Adele and Nancy expand on various ways they live their lives to create better health and happiness in the New Year. […]

Meditation by Nancy Addison

Meditation By Nancy Addison CHC, AADP I have been a regular guest speaker at Parker University. I teach nutrition and “The Healing Diet” for Dr. Michael Hall’s class. Part of my talk concerned stress. I taught them a 3-minute meditation to help them cut down on stress and actually regenerate their own stem cells. They […]