Creating Health And Vitality Through Good Dental Care!

dental health - nancy addison, Whiter teeth - non-toxically, for better health, Creating Health And Vitality Through Good Dental Care!

To most people our dental health seems like a simple ordinary thing, but in reality it’s extremely critical and it plays a vital part in our overall health. Every day, the average person exposes themselves to more than 100 chemicals from soaps, cosmetics, and other personal care products, like toothpaste or mouthwash. Many of these […]

5 G Crisis – Radiation – Brain Cancer – Health Risks

I know we are all concerned about the radiation coming at us and our families from all directions. It has been proven to cause cell damage, brain cancer, and DNA damage. This weekend, the “5G Crisis, Awareness and Accountability,” by Josh Del Sol Beaulieu, is available for free viewing. I highly recommend watching at least […]