5 Super Simple Summertime Health Tips!

Dental Health - Toothpastes, Mouthwashes, & Tooth Whitening, by Nancy addison, nutritionist

With summertime here and in full swing, the temperatures are hitting those high levels. All of us need to make sure we are taking good care of ourselves and our loved ones. Here are 5 super simple tips to help us cope with the heat and stay in optimum health! 1. Drink sufficient water. Drink […]

Salt And Your Health

Is There Good Salt And Bad Salt? by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Salt is so controversial these days and I hear people say regularly, that they don’t use salt. Salt is seen by many organizations, such as the American Heart Association, as an unhealthy substance. What I’m going to expand on in this article, is why it’s controverial and also which ones are actually beneficial for your […]

Lose Weight and Get Healthy Drinking Water!

Nancy Addison, nutritionist,discusses fluoride in the water and how it harms our health by being a toxic.

Many people today go on diet after diet, in an attempt to lose unwanted pounds. I personally know several people who are always dieting. What if you could lose weight easily and without a huge monetary investment? Well, here is a method that just might work for you. Drinking plentiful amounts of water can actually […]