A Holistic Approach To Heart Disease

Holistic Remedies for Heart Disease disease nancy addison, Organic healthy life

February is National Heart Awareness Month. There is new research and information coming out all the time regarding the best way to take care of our health. It has been proven that reversing heart disease holistically is possible. In this article, I will expand on things you can do in order to holistically reverse heart […]

Reversing Heart Disease Naturally With Lifestyle And Diet

Holistic Remedies for Heart Disease disease nancy addison, Organic healthy life

I was recently asked a question: I have heart disease. I have learned that a vegetarian diet can reverse heart disease. I bought your book, “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian” 2nd edition and I’m on a vegetarian diet . I know I am doing much better thanks to your wonderful nutrition-packed cookbook, but my […]