Woodstock Farm Sanctuary Part Three

The woodstock Farm Sanctuary Shares thoughts on Animal Treatment in the Meat Industry. Part 3 of the series with Nancy Addison, nutritionist and environmental specialist

Renegade nutritionist, best-selling author and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks about nutrition, health, bird and animal welfare and rescues with Woodstock Farm Sanctuary Executive Director, Rachel McCrystal. This is Part Three of the series. In this segment, they discuss details of the dairy industry, as well as aspects of goats, cows, bulls, and the […]

Woodstock Farm Sanctuary Part One

Nancy Addison discusses the chicken industry, eggs, our heath and the treatment of birds. Park one of a series on the Woodstock Farm Sanctuary

Leading health specialist, award-winning author, radio show host, Nancy Addison talks about nutrition, health, bird and animal welfare and rescues with Woodstock Farm Sanctuary Executive Director, Rachel McCrystal. This is Part One of the series. In this segment, they discuss details of the egg and chicken industry. They share various ways in which people can […]

Wild Animal Rescue In South Africa

Nancy Addison talks with Panthera Africa founder about their animal rehabilitation center for large cats in South Africa. They discuss the problems with endangered wild animals in Africa and what we can all do to help.

Leading health and environmental specialist, radio show host, and award-winning author Nancy Addison discusses animal rescues with Catherine S. Nyquist, also known as “Cat.” Cat was a typical business woman with degrees in business and finance from Oslo, Norway. She co-founded “Panthera Africa” in South Africa after finding out how desperate the situation was in Africa for large […]

The Importance Of Physical Closeness And Love

As Valentine’s Day draws near, I am reminded of a story that I read in 1995 about twin baby girls. When they were born on October 17, 1995, they were premature by 12 weeks and were put in the neonatal intensive care unit of the Medical Center in Central Massachusetts in Worcester. As a standard […]