Cancer Support Community at Presbyterian Hospital with Speaker Nancy Addison, Nutrition Expert, Motivational Speaker and Healthy Chef

  Nancy Addison presented a class for the Cancer Support Community at Presbyterian Hospital and the Lymphoma Research Foundation on Making Healthy Eating Delicious.     August Highlights w nancy ‘s class highlighted and w lymphona research foundation     Cancer Support Community at Presbyterian Hospital  where Speaker Nancy Addison, Nutrition Expert and Healthy Chef […]

Celebration Magazine Has New Health and Nutrition Columnists: Nancy Addison and Maryann De Leo

 Celebration Magazine Has New Health and Nutrition Columnist! Celebration Magazine has a new health and nutrition column and it is written by Chef and Nutrition Expert Nancy Addison and Academy Award-Winning Documentary Filmmaker, Maryann De Leo. They recently released their book, Alive and Cooking – An Easy Guide to Health for You and Your Parents, […]

Heart Health by Nancy Addison CHHC,AADP

Heart Health            Today is the American Heart Association’s Day to bring awareness of heart disease to society. February is the month where we celebrate love. So it is the perfect time to spread awareness about this terrible disease.    Heart Disease kills 1,100 women a day. One in every 4 deaths a year are […]

New Health/ Nutrition/ Food Columnists for Celebration Magazine- Nancy Addison and Maryann De Leo

Maryann and I just finished writing our monthly article for the Celebration magazine’s February Issue. We are very excited about being there health and nutrition columnists! This month we are doing our introduction column and it is for February, so our theme is Food, Family and Love!

Nancy Addison and Amy Kushnir on The Broadcast, Talking About Healthy Holiday Food

    I had such a good time talking about holiday food with Amy Kushnir on The Broadcast, today on KTXD- TV. My daughter Amanda went with me to the set. I made a recipe from Maryann De Leo and my new book, “Alive and Cooking.” We can eat food on holidays that doesn’t make […]

Festive Fare For The Holidays With Brussels Sprout/ Chestnut Recipe

Nancy Addison, shares tips for the holidays, including her brussel sprout recipe for the holidays.

      When I was living in London, I loved smelling the roasted chestnuts sold on street corners during winter. When chestnuts are roasted they fill the air with a wonderful aroma.          Rich, delicious chestnuts add flavor to many of Europe’s winter dishes. Chestnuts are low in fat and high in protein and fiber. […]

Healthy Eating While Traveling

Healthy Eating Choices While Traveling

Traveling can be fun, but also stressful. One of the things that many people complain about when traveling is the lack of healthy food choices at airports. I have noticed a trend toward more healthy choices at airports in the last six months. So, I am optimistic about the future of eating healthier while traveling. […]

Copper – It’s Health Benefits Or Problems

Copper is naturally anti-bacterial article by Nancy addison, Organic healthy life

Copper is a natural element in our world. It has been used for centuries in drinking glasses, cookware, tongue scrapers, and many other things. I thought it was just because it was durable and handled heat well and evenly, which is why I use copper cookware in my home. However, I learned it has other […]

Basic Green Drink

A basic green drink recipe that is easy to make from a variety of fruits and vegetables, including those you have in the fridge right now. This drink nourishes the cells and heals the body and is only a few minutes away. Not only that, it is delicious! Basic Green Drink 1-cup leafy greens 1 […]

Almond Cookies – Raw, Healthy and Easy To Make!

I frequently make these living-food cookies using almond meal I have leftover after making almond milk. I never wanted to waste the almond meal, and this is a wonderful way to use it. You can make these into small snack bars as well. Make sure to store these cookies in the refrigerator. Would you like to […]