Texas Vegetarian Chili Recipe

Texas Vegetarian Chili Recipe, gluten free, by nancy addison, organic healthy life

I made this at the Texas State Fair one year when I was the Celebrity Chef. Everyone simply loved it! This is an easy, high protein, savory, gluten-free dish. You can serve it with brown rice, or put it into organic taco shells with some lettuce for healthy tacos. I recommend buying organic, non-GMO if […]

Nori Rolls with Nut Pâté Recipes – Raw, Gluten-free, Plant-based

Nori rolls, nut pate, recipes, gluten free, raw, plantbased, Nancy addison, organic healthy life

These are easy and delicious. The first time I made this recipe was when I needed a quick lunch to take with me on an airplane. This is a great finger food and makes a terrific appetizer. Children love to help you create these! Ingredients 2 nori sheets 1 cup Nut Pâté (see recipe below) […]

What Is Plant-Based Eating And Why It Matters

What Is Plant-Based Eating And Why It Matters? by Nancy Addison, organic Healthy life, vegetarian, vegan, diets, information

The once “creature food-dominated” world is now starting to cater to the newest trend of plant-based diners. The fastest growing group of baby-boomers and the younger generation are now moving toward a more plant-based lifestyle and eating plan. They are doing this for health, as well as living a life filled with compassion for all […]

Create A Program For Health & Vitality!

Holistic Ways To Lift Depression , by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

We all want to be our healthiest and have radiance from the inside out. We may also wish to get in shape for the warmer weather, when we wear shorts or a swimsuit. So, where to start? Eating locally grown, fresh organic foods has many benefits for health and weight loss. When we get healthier, […]

Portobello Mushroom Burger Recipe – Gluten-free

portobello mushroom burger recipe, gluten-free, vegetarian, plant based, by Nancy addison, organic healthy life

Many of you may be cooking out this 4th of July. This is a great vegan/vegetarian version to serve plant-based diners. I take a Portobello Mushroom with me when I am going to cookouts and I want to be able to have something plant-based to eat with everyone. (This is one of my favorite savory […]

Texas Vegetarian Chili Recipe – Plant-based & Gluten-free

Texas chili recipe, by nancy addison, culinary vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free

This is an easy, high protein, savory dish. I made this as a Celebrity Chef at the State Fair Of Texas one year. Everyone loved it! You can serve this chili with a sprouted brown rice or even put it into organic taco shells with some lettuce for healthy plant-based tacos. Why would you want […]

My Grandmother’s Carrot Salad Recipe

Grandmother's Carrot Salad Recipe by Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy life

I love this salad because it always reminds me of childhood days at my grandmother’s home. I double the recipe so I can have it handy for easy snacks or as a part of my meals throughout the week. I leave the carrots unpeeled to preserve all of their nutrients. The bright orange color of […]

Quality Food For A Healthier New Year

Nancy Discussing Brain Health, Memory, and Holistic Remedies, with Nancy Addison, nutritionist, organic healthy life

It is a new year, and it is a good time to get healthier after our holiday food indulgences. Many of my clients, friends, and children’s friends have tried to become healthier and lose weight, only to find they would gain weight quickly after they stopped their new fad diets. They soon found themselves trying […]

Benefits of Being Vegetarian, Amazon Best Seller, “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian”

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, tells about how to have optimum health with a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Have you ever wondered the benefits of a vegetarian diet or the benefits of being vegetarian? Well best selling author Nancy Addison’s new, second edition of How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian is out now. It’s a Comprehensive Guide to Being A Healthy Vegetarian or Vegan, in Today’s World! This nutrition packed cookbook, has everything […]