Freedoms, Masks, And Social Distancing

Freedoms, Masks, And Social Distancing

Leading nutritionist, author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Peggy Hall, a health freedom activist. Peggy provides education, information and inspiration to take right action to stand for truth and freedom. They discuss the impact of mask-wearing on our brain and overall health. They expand on various things that can contribute to being […]

Safe Mask Wearing And Social Distancing

masks wearing consequences, health, well-being, social distancing, safety

I am going to pose a question. Does your city or state government have your best interest at heart? We all want to be safe and healthy. According to this study, mask-wearing can be detrimental to our health and well-being. Med Hypotheses. 2021 Jan; 146: 110411. Published online 2020 Nov 22. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2020.110411 PMCID: PMC7680614 PMID: […]

How To Obtain Optimum Health And Avoid Illness

Nancy Discussing Brain Health, Memory, and Holistic Remedies, with Nancy Addison, nutritionist, organic healthy life

Leading health specialist/radio show host, and award-winning author Nancy Addison takes questions from listeners and talks about things you can do to make boost your immune system, get more vitamins absorbed by the body, and protect your health if you are wearing a mask as directed. Nancy discusses research concerning  Vitamins, EMF’s, viruses. She expands on […]