Benefits of Being Vegetarian, Amazon Best Seller, “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian”

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, tells about how to have optimum health with a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Have you ever wondered the benefits of a vegetarian diet or the benefits of being vegetarian? Well best selling author Nancy Addison’s new, second edition of How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian is out now. It’s a Comprehensive Guide to Being A Healthy Vegetarian or Vegan, in Today’s World! This nutrition packed cookbook, has everything […]

5 Super Simple Summertime Health Tips!

Dental Health - Toothpastes, Mouthwashes, & Tooth Whitening, by Nancy addison, nutritionist

With summertime here and in full swing, the temperatures are hitting those high levels. All of us need to make sure we are taking good care of ourselves and our loved ones. Here are 5 super simple tips to help us cope with the heat and stay in optimum health! 1. Drink sufficient water. Drink […]

Safe & Healthy Tips for Grilling This Summer

Lift your mood naturally, stress remedies, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Safe & Healthy Tips for griling This Summer/ For all of you looking to the weekend or any other fun summer get-togethers, where you are firing up the barbecue grill; it is important to know a few tips to protect you and your friends and family, from the potentially dangerous chemicals that grilling meat can […]

Have A Healthy Heart, The Benefits of Being Vegetarian

This was my father, who died when my daughter was barely two. He never lived to see his grandchildren grow up. That doesn’t have to be you. This article tells you how you can easily prevent and even reverse the effects of heart disease.   Heart Health The Benefits of Being A Vegetarian   Today […]

Non-Toxic Hair Color!

hairprint, non-toxic hair color made with food grade ingredients for anyone who is wishing to avoid toxins on their skin. Nancy explains in this blog about using this new non-toxic hair color for people wth brown or black hair. Men or women. Hair print.

Non-Toxic Hair Color Restoration! Hairprint, a non-toxic hair color is a new scientific breakthrough that restores gray hair to its natural color. Hair Color Restoration that reads the hair print in our own hair shaft then restores it’s natural color and vitality! New 100% non-toxic, made of eight food grade ingredients Hairprint restores gray hair […]

Spring Cleaning With Non-Toxic Cleaners

Spring cleaning - non-toxic cleaning products. How to do it in a non-toxic way with home made products or ones you can buy over the internet. Nancy tells you the best, most effective and cost effective ways to clean your home safely.

Whether it’s spring cleaning or just everyday cleaning, all of us want clean homes and laundry. We want to kill the harmful germs and bacteria in our environment effectively and efficiently. Many of the cleaners on the market today have toxic chemicals in them. I am going to share  with you some non-toxic house hold […]

Four Natural Ways To Whiten And Brighten Teeth

Oil Pulling, To Detox Your Mouth And Whiten Your Teeth, nancy addison, Organic healthy life

Everyone would like better dental health and whiter teeth. There are easy, inexpensive ways that you can whiten your teeth at home. Here are my top 4 ways to improve dental health and whiten teeth. First: Brush your teeth three times daily and use theTeeth Whitening Kit by Dirty Mouth. Note: You can use tooth […]

Vitamin D and Sunscreens

Sunscreen, how safe is it? Nancy Addison,nutritionist expands on which ones are good and which ones to avoid. She also talks about Vitamin D and how important it is for your health.

All year round we are going to the beach or finding places with warmer weather to enjoy. My friend asked me for my information on Vitamin D and sunscreens the other day, because she was going to the beach for the winter months. So, I thought I would put this information up for those of […]

Chef Stephan Pyles Loves “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian”!

celebrity chef nancy addison & chef stephan pyles

Chef Stephan loves my book, “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian” 2nd edition! I had a great time at Lisa Endicott’s anniversary party of her Endicott PR* business. It was given at Chef Stephan Pyles’ restaurant, San Salvaje. It was an evening of great people, food, music and conversation. Stephan owns the following restaurants: Stephan […]

Rosemary For Remembrance

  Rosemary For Remembrance By Nancy Addison CHC, AADP I used to give my children rosemary to put in their pockets when they were leaving for school. I wanted them to think of me during the day at school. If my children were stressed or anything, they could reach in their pocket and have a […]