Happiness Is A State Of Mind

Happiness is a stte of mind and can be created. Avoid depression wtih this helpful advice.

Everyone seems to always be pursuing happiness, but happiness should come naturally and easily.  Happiness is an art, as well as a state of mind. We create this art by taking specific action steps. In each moment of time, we choose what we focus on and what we do. In doing this, we create our […]

Create Your Own Holiday Traditions

Create holiday traditions for you and your family. Nancy Addison tells you how to do it easily.

In a world faced with uncertainties, we crave our holiday traditions now more than ever.  We want to embrace what is familiar. What is comforting is a table filled with family, friends, laughter, and food from recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. I was in charge of the stuffing and Waldorf […]

Plants Have A Powerful Impact On Our Health And Well-being

Dental Health - Toothpastes, Mouthwashes, & Tooth Whitening, by Nancy addison, nutritionist

Fall is here and winter is just around the corner. At this time of year, we tend to spend much more time indoors. We aren’t outside as much and around the gardens or plants in our yard or park. Having plants, going for a walk in the park, or even looking at a landscape poster […]

Cancer Fighting – Cherry Smoothie Recipe

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses how to have healthy breakfasts.

I love fresh fruit and especially cherries. Fresh cherries are only available for a limited time during the year. Even though the harvest last for 4 months, there are peaks in the season. The California cherries peak at the end of May/beginning of June. The Washington cherries peak in early July. Cherries contain vitamin C, carotenoids, […]

The Importance Of Physical Closeness And Love

As Valentine’s Day draws near, I am reminded of a story that I read in 1995 about twin baby girls. When they were born on October 17, 1995, they were premature by 12 weeks and were put in the neonatal intensive care unit of the Medical Center in Central Massachusetts in Worcester. As a standard […]

Bees and Butterflies Make Our Lives More Beautiful And So Much Healthier

Nancy addison discusses her petition to ban cheicals that are killiing bees, butterflies and destroying the environment.

While I was outdoors walking in the fresh air and sunshine this morning, I was thinking about how much I love all of our wonderful plants, bees, and butterflies. Then I thought about the roses that people are planting now, (called “knock out roses”) that have NO nectar, and thus are starving our precious pollinators […]

Relief of Menopause Symptoms In A Natural & Healthy Way!

Nancy Addison, nutritionists talks with Lisa Pineiro about how to releave menopause symptons in a natural way.

Many ladies ask me for relief of menopause symptoms. They don’t want to do synthetic pharmaceuticals, they would prefer to use natural aids for helping deal with symptoms as a result of menopause. In this article, I’ll give some of my best advice for anyone struggling with menopause.  Menopause is not a disease or illness; […]

Soy, Genetically Modified Seeds, Round-Up And Our Health

Soy is widely sold as a health food and beverage in the United States and around the world. Today, most soy on the market is from genetically modified (GM) seed. 91 percent of soybeans planted in the United States are Genetically Modified, and the rate is rapidly growing throughout the world, according to Natural News […]

The Plight Of Pollinators

save the pollinators, by Nancy Addison, about neonicotinoid poisons and their destruction of the environment.

37 million bees were found dead in Ontario, Canada after neonicotinoid-laced corn seeds were planted in the area.

“Raising Healthy Children” By Nancy Addison – Best Seller On Amazon!

    I released my new book today on Raising Healthy Children! It made the best seller’s list! Raising Healthy Children is a comprehensive book full of encyclopedic information! This book is filled not only recipes and information about how you can raise your children in the healthiest possible way, but also includes resources, references […]