Happiness Is A State Of Mind

Happiness is a stte of mind and can be created. Avoid depression wtih this helpful advice.

Everyone seems to always be pursuing happiness, but happiness should come naturally and easily.  Happiness is an art, as well as a state of mind. We create this art by taking specific action steps. In each moment of time, we choose what we focus on and what we do. In doing this, we create our own hologram of reality in which we reside. Every second, we are creating our hologram of being and our state of happiness.

Our mindset is vitally important in this endeavor. What we choose to think about is a choice, but oftentimes our mind goes to a default program created from our past experiences. When we allow our mind to go back to past situations, the emotions from those experiences, good or bad, come rushing back to us. They keep us in the past, and prevent us from truly experiencing the present moment in its fullness.

How do we know what our default program is? One way to know this, is to start to notice what our mind drifts to when we are not doing a task.  What thought comes up in our mind? That is the default place our mind goes to when it is free to pull up anything it chooses.

When we have a thought (any thought), it carries energy with it and creates pathways in the brain. The more we think about a subject, the stronger that path in the brain becomes.

If we are thinking about past hurts or traumas, then the path can become very strong and quite literally start pulling our mind back to those thoughts, simply because it has created such a strong connection.

To get off the old worn pathway of thoughts and create new more joyful ones, we quite literally have to recognize that our mind is doing this.  We must choose to release those old (sometimes negative) thoughts, and refuse to allow them into our present moment and state of mind. In this way, we nurture ourselves by taking a new path, and avoid the continuation of thoughts and emotions from the past that no longer serve us or improve our lives.

Consciously choosing a new, positive, and more present time, thought, and focus can help move our mind away from our old patterns. Each morning, as we awaken, we should choose how to approach that day. We should choose to do it with a cheerful, grateful heart, thankful for all of our blessings. This is a state of being that is positive, and brings forth joy in our lives and the lives of everyone around us.

There are times when we may need to change what we are doing to create a new, higher energy feeling and shift our state of mind.  We can take a walk outside, or listen to uplifting music. When we do this, we start creating a higher vibration and get our mind on the present moment.  We are making new pathways in our brain that will start to offset the old patterns, by creating newer, stronger, and more positive connections.

It is a choice. It may not always seem easy, but if we concentrate and focus on doing this, it will get easier. Any time we start to do something new, we are creating change. Going for positive change and focusing on positive, present day moments can be a powerful way to create true peace in our hearts.  This can help manifest new possibilities for happiness, and unexpected miracles to occur.

Whenever fear or doubt come into our mind or heart, it automatically lowers our vibration and becomes like a vortex leading us onto a downhill slope. Avoiding this can be handled by simply recognizing this, and actually forcing our mind to think of something more constructive. When these fearful thoughts come into our mind, Gregg Braden (an internationally renowned scientist who has combined science and spirituality) teaches that you should say “Not To” and immediately think of something else.

Writing down your worries will get them off and out of your mind. Afterwards, write down all of the miracles, both small and large, that have occurred that day. However small they are, they are going to build your energy in a positive direction and help your mind to focus on the good and positive aspects of your life.

We want to cultivate a daily habit of creating positive change in our lives, and the power of thinking positive thoughts in our mind is a wonderful place to start.  As Socrates once said, “What we think about, we become.”

Words can be very powerful. Having a vocabulary that is positive is an effective step in embracing a more joy-filled life. I remember a blind lady that I worked with once, named Milly. She was not wealthy.  In fact, she was very challenged financially.

Every time I saw Milly and said hello and asked how she was doing, she would always greet me with a cheerful smile and answer “I am blessed.” It was truly her state-of-being. The other people in our group that I worked with didn’t always feel the same way that she did. But as she attempted to learn new skills in her life to help her maneuver through her life without being able to see, her positive attitude stayed with her and created a truly happy place for her to live in her heart and her world.  In addition, it made a happier place for all of us around her.

I also volunteered at the homeless shelter for many years. I was always amazed at the kind, peaceful and happy attitude so many of the people carried with them during the day. It was inspiring and heart-warming. Everyone faces challenges in their life in one way or another.  It’s how we choose to respond or react that we can control.

If we choose to respond/react with kindness, love, and peace, then we may just get that back in return. I have found that to be true more times than not. Focusing on the present moment, looking someone in the eye, connecting on a heart level, and responding in a loving way, can transform situations in miraculous ways.

When we choose to have a calm, peaceful, and positive state of mind, happiness can truly be a state-of-being.

Nancy Addison is an educator, best-selling author, international speaker, healthy chef and radio show host. She teaches people about living a healthier, happier life through nutrition and lifestyle. She has appeared on NBC, Fox, and CBS. You can sign up for Nancy’s free monthly newsletter on her website https://www.organichealthylife.com,

Nancy Addison’s 6 international award-winning books can be seen on her author page on Amazon. Here is the link: Author.to/nancyaddison
The information from Nancy Addison and Organic Healthy Lifestyle LLC is not offered for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease or disorder nor have any statements herein been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We strongly encourage you to discuss topics of concern with your health care provider.



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