What Is Plant-Based Eating And Why It Matters

What Is Plant-Based Eating And Why It Matters? by Nancy Addison, organic Healthy life, vegetarian, vegan, diets, information

The once “creature food-dominated” world is now starting to cater to the newest trend of plant-based diners. The fastest growing group of baby-boomers and the younger generation are now moving toward a more plant-based lifestyle and eating plan. They are doing this for health, as well as living a life filled with compassion for all […]

Nancy Addison and Dr Bill McGraw Discuss Mercury Toxicity

Dr. Bill McGraw Discussing The Virus Epidemic, Rife Machine, And Truth, Nancy Addison and Dr Bill McGraw Discuss Mercury Toxicity, discuss mercury toxicity and chronic disease, Organic healthy lifestyle

Leading health specialist/radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Dr. Bill McGraw, author of “Mercury The Ultimate Truth and Chronic Disease.” Mercury is a neurotoxin and is found in amalgam fillings, vaccines, seafood, personal care products, batteries, light bulbs, electronics, water, etc. Mercury toxicity can be misdiagnosed by medical professionals. Symptoms may include: Insomnia, fatigue, […]

A Discussion Concerning Organic, Conventional, And GMO’s

Dr. Bill McGraw, topic, GMOS, Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life - Radio show Podcast, Nancy Addison, organic Healthy Life, nutrition

Leading health specialist/radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Dr. Bill McGraw, author of “Mercury The Ultimate Truth and Chronic Disease.” This is the 2nd radio show with Nancy and Dr. McGraw continuing their discussion about: toxins, GMO’s, research, organic vs. conventional, detoxification, health, mercury, and food quality. Dr. McGraw shares his insight into health, […]

Mercury – The Ultimate Truth and Chronic Disease

Mercury The Ultimate Truth and Chronic Disease with Dr. Bill McGraw and radio show host, Nancy Addison, organic healthy lifestyle

Leading health specialist/radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Dr. Bill McGraw, author of “Mercury The Ultimate Truth and Chronic Disease.” Mercury is a neurotoxin and it’s found in amalgam fillings, vaccines, seafood, personal care products, batteries, light bulbs, electronics, water, etc. Mercury toxicity is frequently overlooked or misdiagnosed by medical professionals. Insomnia, fatigue, brain fog, […]

Mercury Poisoning – A Silent Epidemic In Today’s World

mercury poisoning is an epedemic in today's world. by Nancy Addison, nutritionist

In today’s world, most (an estimated one billion) humans are exposed regularly to environmental toxins, including mercury, which is more common than most people realize. Over one billion humans are exposed to high levels of toxic metals and metalloids in the environment, including mercury. The number of persons suffering from subclinical metal poisoning is believed […]

Nancy Addison has just been named Associate Program Director for the non-profit Greater Caribbean Energy and Environment Foundation of Texas.

  Dr. Anitra Thorhaug working with Sea Grasses at Long Island   Nancy Addison has just been named Associate Program Director for the non-profit Greater Caribbean Energy and Environment Foundation of Texas Nancy donates a good deal of time to charity work. One of Nancy Addison’s passions is saving the environment. Nancy has just been […]