The Best Way To Stay Hydrated For Optimum Health!

The Best Way To Stay Hydrated For Optimum Health , by Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

Water is the elixir of life ! Water makes up a predominant part of the body (66 – 72% water) and is a critical component for many important functions, which include blood flow, flushing out waste, aiding the body in regulating temperature, and supporting the brain’s functions. Blood uses water to transport oxygen, nutrients, and […]

Vitamin D, The Sun and Healthy Sun Protection

The sun promotes health and vitality. Still, we want to protect ourselves and our children from the sun during the summer. Many of us want to know which sunscreens are healthy to use? Not all are helpful, and many are harmful. Recent studies reveal that some sunscreens can cause vitamin D3 deficiency and increase the […]

Nancy Addison Talks With Amy Kushnir On KTXD TV’s, The Broadcast

Nancy Addison & Amy Kushnir - Sunscreen, our health, vitamin D, in a segment The Broadcast

Do you need a safe sunscreen this summer? Here is my segment from The Broadcast, KTXD- TV. I have the list in my book, “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian” second edition. I talk about how most sunscreens have allowed the cancer producing rays in and blocked the cancer preventative rays out. These are much […]