How Do Sugar & Sweeteners Affect Us?

How Do Sugar & Sweeteners Affect Us? Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Sugar consumption is out of control. According to the US government, the average American consumes half a cup of caloric sweeteners per day, or 152 pounds per year. (1) Sugar has a reputation as the “white poison” because of the harmful effects it has on health. Although fat has been made out to be the […]

Diet Can Be A Powerful Treatment For Diabetes

Diabetes And Your Diet, Diet Can be Powerful For Diabetes, Nancy Addison, Organic healthy Life

More than 100 million people today have diabetes or pre-diabetes. A recent study conducted by a team of American and Japanese researchers showed that people who have diabetes can vastly improve their health by eating an entirely plant-based diet. (1) During my work with people who have diabetes, I have found that they show remarkable […]

Cucumber Soup Recipe – Gluten-free & Plant-based

Cucumber Soup Recipe - Gluten-free & Plant-based, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

This is an easy, delicious, and refreshing soup to serve cool, on a warm summer day. I have frequently served this to guests when they arrive at my home! Cucumbers are especially good because they contain a “hormone needed by the beta cells of the pancreas to produce insulin. The enzyme crepsin in cucumbers is […]

Refined Carbohydrates Versus Whole Sprouted Grains

Refined Carbohydrates versus whole grain carbohydrates, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Carbohydrates have a reputation for being unhealthy. However, it is only the type of carbohydrate that is unhealthy. Carbohydrates are actually the body’s preferred fuel. Unrefined carbohydrates like legumes, whole grains, and vegetables are dense in nutrients and fiber, and they can give your body the fuel it needs. Refined carbohydrates like white, refined flour, […]

Creating Healthy Holiday Food

Creating healthy holiday food by nancy addison, Organic Healthy Life

Even though it is a little harder these days, we have long held the tradition of sharing a meal with family and friends during the holidays. However, many of our holiday foods often involve a number of rich, savory foods, creamy dips and fried foods. These foods taste good, but they don’t always make our […]

Diabetes And Your Diet

Diabetes And Your Diet, with Nutritionist, Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Leading health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison discusses diabetes. She talks about various ways that a healthy diet and lifestyle can be your best way to reverse this disease. Nancy discusses dietary changes that can lead to long-term benefits for your health. She also talks about lifestyle, the types and quality […]

Cholesterol And Your Health

Cholesterol and your health, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Cholesterol is an extremely important topic with many of my health counseling clients. Many of them are (or have been) on cholesterol-lowering drugs, or have been told by their medical doctors to keep their cholesterol low. As I have researched this over the years, I have come to the exact opposite conclusion. Cholesterol is necessary […]

Creating Optimum Vision In This New Year – 2023

Creating Clearer Vision This New Year, 2023, nancy addison, organic healthy life

I woke up today with a thick fog surrounding my home, with the mist creating a kind of dream-like effect all around. It made me think of how we see things. As we head into this new year, let’s focus on how we are viewing the world. Instead of focusing on any fear that may […]

Create A Program For Health & Vitality!

Healthy Weight Loss Tips Nancy addison, organic healthy life

We all want to be our healthiest and have radiance from the inside out. We may also wish to get in shape for the warmer weather, when we wear shorts or a swimsuit. So, where to start? Eating locally grown, fresh organic foods has many benefits for health and weight loss. When we get healthier, […]

How To Eat Healthy With A Busy Schedule

Being healthy in a complicated world, with Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life, nutritionist

When you are incredibly busy, how do you eat healthy? Between work, school, events, family, kids, and everything concerning life, it may seem impossible to eat healthy. Here are my top tips for maintaining your healthy eating and health, while on the go with an busy schedule. Start your day by eating a good nutritious […]