Safe Body Care Products For You And Your Baby

Healthy body care for you and your family, explained by nancy addison, nutritionist. She tells what are her favorite organic healthy body care products.

One day when my children were small, I read about how the innocent Minnie Mouse Bubble Bath I’d just bathed my children in could cause blindness. I was so alarmed. So I started researching and reading ingredients on everything. How could the U.S. government allow toxin and carcinogenic ingredients in our toothpaste, bubble bath, shampoos, […]

The Magic Of Enzymes!

How To Properly Store Fresh Fruits & Vegetables So They Last Longer, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy lifestyle

The Magic Of Enzymes! It’s all about energy! Live enzymes in food play a crucial role in our health because we have a limited supply of digestive enzymes in our system. When we are young, we have a natural abundance of enzymes. By the time we are elderly, we have lost over half of our […]

Soy, Genetically Modified Seeds, Round-Up And Our Health

Nancy Addison, nutritioinist, discusses soy and the various compoents of how it is either healthy or harmful. She goes into detail in this article and she lists sources of information.

Soy is widely sold as a health food and beverage in the United States and around the world. Today, most soy on the market is from genetically modified (GM) seed. 91 percent of soybeans planted in the United States are Genetically Modified, and the rate is rapidly growing throughout the world, according to Natural News […]

Spring Cleaning With Non-Toxic Cleaners

Spring cleaning - non-toxic cleaning products. How to do it in a non-toxic way with home made products or ones you can buy over the internet. Nancy tells you the best, most effective and cost effective ways to clean your home safely.

Whether it’s spring cleaning or just everyday cleaning, all of us want clean homes and laundry. We want to kill the harmful germs and bacteria in our environment effectively and efficiently. Many of the cleaners on the market today have toxic chemicals in them. I am going to share  with you some non-toxic house hold […]

Vitamin D and Sunscreens

Sunscreen, how safe is it? Nancy Addison,nutritionist expands on which ones are good and which ones to avoid. She also talks about Vitamin D and how important it is for your health.

All year round we are going to the beach or finding places with warmer weather to enjoy. My friend asked me for my information on Vitamin D and sunscreens the other day, because she was going to the beach for the winter months. So, I thought I would put this information up for those of […]

Nancy Is On Al Cole’s Radio Show Tonight – “People of Distinction”

I am On Al Cole’s Radio Show Tonight – “People of Distinction” Listen to me tonight on Al Cole’s Show. I talk about becoming healthy! November 21, 2014, 5pm to 8pm ET \and then I’ll be on it again on Friday, December 12th 5pm to 8pm ET. The December 12th show will be about my […]

Study Reveals That A Plant Based Diet Is A Powerful Treatment For Diabetics

Study Reveals That A Plant Based Diet Is A Powerful Treatment For Diabetics   More than 100 million people today have diabetes or pre-diabetes.  A recent study conducted by a team of American and Japanese researchers shows that people who have diabetes can vastly improve their health by eating an entirely plant-based diet. (1) During […]

Charlene Tilton, Sheree Wilson, Brook Boleyn, And Nancy Addison Attend The White Bridle Equine Therapy Fundraiser Event In Dallas, TX

Charlene Tilton, Sheree Wilson, Brook Boleyn, And Nancy Addison Attend The White Bridle Equine Therapy Fundraiser Event In Dallas, TX

Last night I attended the White Bridle Therapy and Horse Rescue Event. It was a wonderful evening at the home of Debbie Mullen and Tim Alexander. The band was Johnny Roger’s band from Chicago. One of his claims to fame, other than being a terrific musician and singer, is that he is Elvis’s 3rd cousin. […]

Fluoride In The Water Supply Is Toxic Waste & Is A Health Toxin

Nancy Addison, nutritionist,discusses fluoride in the water and how it harms our health by being a toxic.

I spoke at a Town Hall Meeting Last night. Important subject that affects us all in the Dallas area. 25 cities around Dallas buy their water from Dallas with this toxic waste / unapproved by the FDA – drug added to our water in a way where they cannot control the dosage at all. Fluoride […]

Food Label Being Updated!

labeling updates are going to be better for our health. Nancy Addison, nutritionist, expands on the details.

Nutrition Facts labels are finally getting a much needed remake. I’m so glad, because I always found this label to have things on it that weren’t really relative and somewhat deceptive. The proposed update, was announced in March. This is the first major revision in 20 years. I’m guessing this is part of the first […]