The Importance Of Self-Care

The Importance Of Self-Care, by Nancy Addison, nutritionist, Organic Healthy Life

As the holidays embrace us and we have more activities, errands, and social occasions, it is always a good idea to take a little time for ourselves. I find it is even more important in the world we live in today! I have also noticed that most people are so busy doing everything for everyone […]

Healing With Breath, Song, And Nature

Maryann De Leo, Nancy Addison, healing with nature, song, breath, and nature, organic healthy life

Leading health specialist/radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with academy award-winning documentary filmmaker, master gardener, singer, and co-author of “Alive And Cooking,”  Maryann De Leo. They discuss the tremendous healing effects of breathing in and absorbing the biomedical mixture in forests and how the terpenes, from “forest air” can boost the immune system. They also expand […]

Embrace The Present And Take Care Of Yourself

Embrace The Present And Take Care Of Yourself, by Nancy Addison, nutritionist

As Autumn and the holidays embrace us and we have more activities, errands, and social occasions, it is always a good idea to take a little time for ourselves. I have noticed that most people are so busy doing everything for everyone else, that they aren’t making enough time to nurture and take care of […]

Me Time

As Autumn and the holidays embrace us and we have more activities, errands, and social occasions, it is always a good idea to take a little time for ourselves to alleviate some of the stress. I have noticed that most people are so busy doing everything for everyone else, that they aren’t making enough time […]