From Dressing For Your Tone to Fooducate!

From Dressing For Your Tone to Fooducate!

          Last month, a few of my friends went to an energy dressing workshop called IlluminEssence. They loved it and have been dressing differently ever since. It is on the principle that colors have energy and we all have all of the energies, but that we are strongest when we wear the colors that most fit our soul’s strongest tone.

            I will have to admit they look great and they say they feel great. Since I am speaking at some events coming up, I thought it would be great to see what they said about me. They decided I was a tone III, which are rich earthy tones. I have not worn those colors much, but when they put me in something of that tone, it seemed to work. So, I am wearing some of those colors now. Today, they had a dying party at a lady’s home. It was quite an event!

          Everyone brought clothes they wanted to dye. The lady’s had all kinds of dye from quite a few different companies. They were doing amazing things with the colors. After dying clothes all day with my friends, we turned a lot of our old clothes into new clothes! I never knew it could be so easy. Sheila and Glenda, who do a workshop on dressing for you tone, showed us all how to do it. It was so much fun. I felt like I was back in college or high school. The colors they came up with by mixing dyes was quite impressive. I left with an old favorite piece that I had not worn for years. Now it is a beautiful rich rust color and I can wear it this fall, as if it is a new top! How terrific!
           When I got home, Dr. Massad, who wrote the foreword to my Vegetarian book, sent me an email about this new site on the internet. So, I thought I would share this with you. It is really cool. It is called Fooducate. It has so much great information on it. I was quite impressed. I am constantly learning. I guess I am a veracious learner. I can never seem to stop being interested in all of the wonderful, diverse things in life. There seems to be so much going on and I want to do everything! And I learn something new every day!

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