Vitamin D, The Sun and Healthy Sun Protection

Holistic Ways To Lift Depression , by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

The sun promotes health and vitality. Still, we want to protect ourselves and our children from the sun during the summer. Many of us want to know which sunscreens are healthy to use? Not all are helpful, and many are harmful. Recent studies reveal that some sunscreens can cause vitamin D3 deficiency and increase the […]

Non-Toxic Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning, clearing out the clutter, letting things go is discussed by leading health and lifestyle specialist, Nancy Addsion.

It’s spring, and time for a fresh start after a long, cold winter! We’ve had the house all closed up, and now it’s time to air it out, let in some clean, fresh air, and brighten up our home and environment. A few simple things to start with are: 1. Open up the windows and […]

Eucalyptus Essential Oil Can Help With Diabetes

Nancy Addison discusses the benefits of Eucalyptus oil for peopole with diabetes. Photo by Greg Weaver

Many different cultures have used essential eucalyptus oils to help regulate blood sugar levels. What they have found is that eucalyptus essential oil can help with diabetes. In 2015, Colombian researchers found that Eucalyptus tereticornis extracts increased glucose uptake in vitro (test tube study). Research also showed diabetic mice had reduced fasting glycemia, improved glucose […]

Optimum Health Strategies For Menopause

Calcium - To Take Or Not To Take? by Nutritionist, Nancy Addison

Millions of women can experience fatigue, depression, mood swings, hot flashes, increased abdominal fat or decreased libido as they shift into the menopause phase of life. This article will expand on 7 optimum health strategies for breezing through menopause with finesse! Menopause is the transition that marks the end of a woman’s fertility, which typically […]

How To Sleep And Rest Better

How To Sleep And Rest Better by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Sleep can become a problem in today’s high paced, stressed-out world. It’s World Sleep Day, and so I’m addressing a vital part of our lives and our well-being. I’ve heard more and more people of all ages tell me how they can’t get to sleep, and that they  have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. […]

“How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian” 2nd edition, is a Winner In The International Book Awards In 2016!

Nancy Addison's award-winning, nutrition and healthy cookbook on How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian. In this article Nancy expands on types of vegetarians. "How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian," 2nd Edition, By Nancy Addison, best health and nutrition book for vegan, vegetarians, with recipes and nutrition information

This book has won over 8 Awards! This nutrition-packed book for vegetarians or vegans, or people who wish to be healthier, is an easy guide to health for anyone who needs to restore or maintain their health. Whether you want to be a vegan, vegetarian or just want to get healthier, this is an easy […]

Super Breakfast Smoothie Recipe For Optimum Health

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses how to have healthy breakfasts.

Smoothies can be a symphony of nutrients and fiber! Try this easy, delicous smoothie recipe for optimum health. You can have smoothies as a meal or a snack, or freeze them in popsicle molds and have them as a healthy desert. I put healthy fat in my smoothies, because my research shows that healthy fat […]

Aldi Stops Selling Products That Contain Neonicotinoid Pesticides And Is Going Organic

Aldi is going organic.

Good news to start off a Friday from Nancy, your Renegade Nutritionist Most of you know how much certain things mean to me, such as protecting our bees, safeguarding our environment, and living an organic lifestyle. I am not that easily impressed, but there is a supermarket called Aldi, that is known for its low […]

Let’s Talk About Soy

Nancy Addison, nutritioinist, discusses soy and the various compoents of how it is either healthy or harmful. She goes into detail in this article and she lists sources of information.

Many people eat soy, drink soymilk and consume products with soy as an ingredient. I’m asked questions about soy frequently by people trying to eat a plant-based diet, so I thought I would address soy and your health.. Soy has many negative effects on health because it is difficult to digest, affects your hormones, and is […]

Chromium, A Vital Nutrient For Our Health

"Diabetes And Your Diet" By Nutritionist & Chef, Nancy Addison

Chromium is a nutrient that is critical for our health and well-being. I have a lot of people have been asking me what particular Chromium GTF supplement I use, after they read my book/cookbook, “Diabetes And Your Diet.” The mineral chromium helps transport glucose from the blood to the muscles. The pancreas cannot make insulin […]