What Are Stem Cells And Why Are They Important?

What are Stem cells and why do they matter? by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life patch

What Are Stem Cells And Why Are They Important? There is incredible research being done these days regarding stem cells, so here are some things I have learned about stem cells and stem cell therapies.

Stem cells are the unique building blocks of life. They have the ability to enter various types of cells in the body, and transform and rejuvenate these cells. They are essential for the regeneration, growth, and maintenance of our organs, bones and bodily systems.

Stem cells can live in a variety of tissues in the body, including the bone marrow, the muscles, the brain, the intestines, and more. Some would equate them to a small army of cells that can regenerate themselves into new cells to maintain and repair the tissue or muscle where they’re found.

Stem cell therapy started in the early 1970’s. It was discovered that bone marrow cells could be used to treat blood diseases. A bone marrow transplant allowed a recipient whose bone marrow cells had been damaged by chemotherapy or disease to receive healthy bone marrow stem cells from a donor.

These new stem cells had the potential to mature within the blood system into various immune system cells that recognized and fought off different types of blood cancer.

Dr. Betty Hamilton, MD, Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology said, “They also have the ability to heal.”

Bone marrow transplants are currently used to treat diseases such as lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma, and neuroblastoma.

You may be aware that other countries around the world are currently using stem cell therapy for treating painful joints, back pain, arthritis, hair loss, diabetes, Crohn’s, MS, and other health challenges.

There are many studies that have been conducted using stem cell therapy. Historically stem cells were combined with blood in petri dishes, and then injected into the person needing the stem cell therapy. This can be very costly and have unpredictable results.

This is considered to be regenerative medicine.

This encompasses a new medical science involving the functional restoration of tissues or organs that have been damaged by severe injuries or chronic diseases. This technology has been shown to repair and restore the damaged tissue’s stem cell.

The common link between all of these trials is the ability of the stem cells to reduce inflammation and repair damage to your body.

I would like to introduce you to a non-invasive non-transdermal stem cell activation therapy that I have been personally been using for the past 2 years.

I have recommended this therapy to many of my health counseling clients. They are made by the Lifewave company, and this technology was originally created for the Navy Seals, because it improved energy, sleep, strength, stamina and provided pain relief that is drug free.

This technology has also been approved for Olympic Athletes.

Along with the Energy Enhancement patch he created for the Navy Seals, he has since then created the X39 & X49 patches, which activate and elevate stem cells.

I have found them to be very positive in so many ways for myself and my clients. People are getting pain relief (especially from broken bones, old broken bone trauma, and wounds), better sleep, mood elevation, and greater energy. I understand that athletes like David Beckham, Serena Williams, the Stanford Swim team, wear these patches.

The patches have crystals in them that reflect our infrared energy and activate our own dormant stem cells by working with the same meridians in our body that acupuncture works on.

The Lifewave Company has recently introduced an aromatherapy spray with essential oils that can help regulate hormones. Men are really getting wonderful results from using these sprays, in conjunction with wearing the Lifewave X39 patch. Men are finding their testosterone is greatly boosted using these. It’s a two-spray program, one for the morning (Shine) and one for the evening (Dream).

Click here to watch a short video that explains how this patch therapy works.

Click here to watch the short video that explains how the X39 patch (the main patch that activates stem cells) works.

Click here to view a really good, but longer video interview with David Schmidt discussing the benefits of the x39 and x49 patches.

Click here to watch a video about the Lifewave X39 David Schmidt and Diabetic Neuropathy.

Click here to hear this video of LIFEWAVE JoNnes ~ Dr. Caitlin Connor sharing on X49 Improved Bone Density. (19 Aug 2022)

If you decide to order some stem cell activation patches, I would recommend ordering the X39 patch, which the inventor says is the most powerful stem cell activation patch.

Now is a great time to order, they are having their Black Friday and Holiday Specials beginning on Wednesday Nov. 22th.
If you order, please use my link. My ID Number is 1439757 and my link is “Organic Healthy Life.”

Please let me know if you have any questions. My phone number is 214-202-9243. Please text me and type in Lifewave in the subject line. I will help you order them and use them, in the best way possible.

This product works really well on animals also!

If you order as a preferred customer, you will save a considerable amount of money. When you order this way, they require an auto ship ( which can be cancelled at any time.) If you decide to order as a preferred customer, make sure you order one to be sent out immediately.

Look in the strip above the cart, check the number of items in it, and it will say auto-ship, and it should be a date a month from that day. The item won’t be charged until next month, when it’s ready to be sent.  Text me if you have any questions.

Let’s start off the holiday season regenerating all of our cells, living with less pain, and having more energy!

Love, Nancy


Nancy’s 7 books on Amazon are also in Audio and some of them are in large print:

Nancy’s website is: https://www.organichealthylife.com
Support Nancy’s work – Donate on venmo – @Nancy-Addison

Medical Disclaimer:
Information provided in this podcast, blog, article, video is for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by Nancy Addison CHC. However, this information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.
Do not use the information provided in this blog, audio podcast, article, video  for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this email.

Information provided in this video or audio and the use of any products or services related to this video by you DOES NOT create a health counselor-client relationship between you and Nancy Addison, certified health counselor. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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