Diet Can Be A Powerful Treatment For Diabetes

Diabetes And Your Diet, Diet Can be Powerful For Diabetes, Nancy Addison, Organic healthy Life

More than 100 million people today have diabetes or pre-diabetes. A recent study conducted by a team of American and Japanese researchers showed that people who have diabetes can vastly improve their health by eating an entirely plant-based diet. (1) During my work with people who have diabetes, I have found that they show remarkable […]

Chocolate Candy Bark Recipe With Nuts And Fruit – Gluten-free

Chocolate Candy Bark Recipe With Nuts And Fruit - Gluten-free, by Nancy Addison, organic Healthy life

I recently returned from Costa Rica, where cacao is grown, and I brought back some organic cacao and some organic raw, sprouted nuts. I decided to make some dark chocolate candy bark with them to celebrate Valentine’s Day. This is easy to do, and my daughter and I thought it turned out absolutely scrumptious. I […]

Boosting Immunity With Fermented Foods

boosting immunity with fermented foods, by Nancy addison, organic healthy lifestyle

I think most people are probably wondering how to boost their own immunity and avoid illness. What I do to boost my immunity is to add some fermented foods, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, selenium, B Vitamins, and fresh, organic vegetables and fruits to my daily eating plan. I recommend taking Liposomal Vitamin C, due […]

Copper – It’s Health Benefits Or Problems

Copper is a natural element in our world. It has been used for centuries in drinking glasses, cookware, tongue scrapers, and many other things. I thought it was just because it was durable and handled heat well and evenly, which is why I use copper cookware in my home. However, I learned it has other […]

Get Healthier, Thicker Hair, Naturally!

Nancy Addison, nutritiontions, explains How to have great hair health, naturally!

Everyone seems to want healthy hair. We want our hair to be growing healthier and thicker naturally. Sometimes we may find too much hair left in our hairbrush or that our hairline is looking a bit farther back than it seemed a few weeks ago. I notice many people these days with balding spots (women […]