Get Healthier, Thicker Hair, Naturally!

Everyone seems to want healthy hair. We want our hair to be growing healthier and thicker naturally. Sometimes we may find too much hair left in our hairbrush or that our hairline is looking a bit farther back than it seemed a few weeks ago. I notice many people these days with balding spots (women […]

Seminar Time

Today, I am getting ready for my first 2013 Healing Diet Seminar. I am focusing on getting a fresh clean start for the New Year. Boost the immune system! Lose Weight! Gain more energy! Eating to reverse aging! Cleaning out all of the old stuff that has not been working and refreshing the spirit, mind […]

Holiday Dining

Are you tired of being fat, tired and stressed? Many of the holiday foods, that are so abundant and beautiful, are one of the major reasons, so many of us gain weight and get too tired over the holiday season. We overindulge and probably eat and drink things we don’t normally have. I, for one, […]

Survival Guide to the Holidays! by Nancy Addison

With the holidays upon us, here are my top 7 tips to having more energy, staying well and feeling good; so you can enjoy the holidays with your family and friends! 1. Stay hydrated! Even though they are liquid, sodas and coffee are not hydrating. So, drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Hydration is […]

Meditation by Nancy Addison

Meditation By Nancy Addison CHC, AADP I have been a regular guest speaker at Parker University. I teach nutrition and “The Healing Diet” for Dr. Michael Hall’s class. Part of my talk concerned stress. I taught them a 3-minute meditation to help them cut down on stress and actually regenerate their own stem cells. They […]

Ginger Root Tea by Nancy Addison

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! On Thanksgiving, many of us overindulge and eat just a little too much or eat foods that may not agree with us. One thing I like to have if I am feeling a little full or have any kind of indigestion is to drink some fresh ginger root tea. Here is the […]

Fresh Seasonal Foods by Nancy Addison

Our body needs foods that are in season. It is also fresher and less expensive to eat foods that are in season. So, next time you are at the grocery store, look for local, seasonal foods! There are farmers markets in most cities on weekends. Support your local organic farmer!

Clean Food And Your Health

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, expands on ways to make the healthiest choices for your health.

I was reading the other day about “clean eating.” My client had asked me, if I knew what it was and I really didn’t. I supposed it is certainly better than eating dirty food! So, I looked it up on line. Apparently it is a term used for non-processed or “fast” food. I guess it […]

Beautiful Harvest Moon

harvest moon, nancy addison, nutritionist, shares her thoughts on the harvest moon.

I love the evenings and looking up at the moon. We just had our beautiful harvest moon of 2012. The full moon that is closest to the autumnal equinox is the Harvest Moon. This moon will be very full and bright for several nights. The long moon lit nights are what characterize the Harvest Moon. […]

Shoot for the Stars!

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, writes award-winning, nutrition cookbooks and shoots for the stars.

A few years ago, I decided to write a book. I dug in and wrote it. It took a long time. It took 5 years! It was a dream and I wanted to try to make it a reality. Sometimes, we have visions of things we want to do; then we talk ourselves out of […]