Let’s Talk About Soy

Many people eat soy, drink soymilk and consume products with soy as an ingredient. I’m asked questions about soy frequently by people trying to eat a plant-based diet, so I thought I would address soy and your health.. Soy has many negative effects on health because it is difficult to digest, affects your hormones, and is […]

Soy, Genetically Modified Seeds, Round-Up And Our Health

Soy is widely sold as a health food and beverage in the United States and around the world. Today, most soy on the market is from genetically modified (GM) seed. 91 percent of soybeans planted in the United States are Genetically Modified, and the rate is rapidly growing throughout the world, according to Natural News […]

The Plight Of Pollinators

save the pollinators, by Nancy Addison, about neonicotinoid poisons and their destruction of the environment.

37 million bees were found dead in Ontario, Canada after neonicotinoid-laced corn seeds were planted in the area.

Why Organic and Why Should We Care?

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, expands on ways to make the healthiest choices for your health.

Most of the time I want to stay light and only talk about good and positive things, but now and then, I feel I have to say something about what is going on in the world that may not be quite as upbeat. This one concerns our food supply and our fragile eco system. I […]