Natural Remedies For Healing Things 
 That Can Bug You This Summer

Natural Remedies For Healing Things 
 That Can Bug You This Summer - including poison ivy, poison oak, jelly fish by Nancy Addison, nutritionist

Warm summer days and nights can sometimes be a struggle if you are hurting from too much sun, poison ivy, poison oak, mosquito, fire ants, bug bites, or jelly fish stings. So, here are a few emergency remedies that may help you have a smooth sailing summer of fun! What’s bugging you? While summer is […]

Staying Healthy During the Winter Months

Leading health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison expands on various ways to stay well during the winter season. She discusses techniques to make your food taste better and have more nutrition. Nancy addresses optimum hydration. She provides a few home remedies.  She tells how to use non-toxic cleaners that are the […]

Natural Remedies For Healing All Those Things Summer Can Throw Your Way

award-winning author, Nancy Addison discusses the various aspects of energy and mentalfocus or mindset affect our health, with with Charlotte Ammerman

That warm summer days and nights can sometimes be a struggle. Painful sunburn, poison ivy or poison oak, mosquito or bug bites, and allergies can be a challenge. Here are a few emergency remedies that may help you have a smooth sailing, painless summer of fun! Bug Bites Whether it is a mosquito or beach […]

Natural Remedies For What Summer Can Throw At You

Leading health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison expands on various ways to use natural remedies for ailments such as poison ivy, poison oak, fire ant bites, and allergies, etc. This renegade-nutritionist cuts through the myths and misinformation about health and nutrition. If you want the straight and honest truth, with easy […]

How To Have Healthy Body Care Products

The skin is the largest organ of the body, and it readily absorbs any products or patches you put on it. In a normal day, the average person exposes themselves to 100 + chemicals from soaps, cosmetics, and other personal care products, like toothpaste or mouthwash. Many of these ingredients (chemicals) have been clinically researched […]

18: Healthy Ways For Dealing With Depression And Stress

Depression is a big problem in today’s world. Radio show host and health expert – Nancy Addison talks about the many ways you can help naturally in dealing with depression and it’s debilitating symptoms. From hormones to supplements, Nancy talks about the various ways you can help someone you love who is battling depression or […]

Healthy Hand Sanitizer/Hand Soap

    Hand Sanitizer/Hand Soap Washing our hands and keeping them free of germs and bacteria is so important. I read once that it was very important to wash hands at least one whole minute in order to thoroughly clean any part that needs to be washed. I think cleaning under the nails when we […]