Be Prepared For The Wonderful Summertime!

Be Prepared For The Outdoors & What Can Bug You! by Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy life

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, and we want to enjoy it to the fullest. In order to do this we should be careful to avoid poison ivy, poison oak, bug bites, jellyfish stings, or getting sunburned. Here are a few natural remedies that may help you have a smooth sailing summer of […]

Kidney Stones – Possible Causes & Some Holistic Remedies

Holistic Remedies For Kidney Stones And Struvite Crystals, by Nancy Addison, organic Healthy Life

I have had so many people recently contact me with the problem with painful kidney stones or kidney problems. The kidneys are of major importance to our health, since they regulate the amount of water and salts in our body, which helps us to maintain the body’s correct chemical balance. 

Healthy kidneys make important chemicals […]

The Power of a Hug!

Can Hugs Heal? by nancy addison, organic healthy life

As Valentine’s Day draws near, my research shows that hugs can actually ward off stress and protect the immune system. It is my opinion (after 35 years of research) that isolation or “social distancing” can actually harm your health. According to research by psychologist Dr. Sheldon Cohen, hugs can actually protect our health and improve […]

Nancy Discussing Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Nancy Discussing Brain Health, Memory, and Holistic Remedies, with Nancy Addison, nutritionist, organic healthy life

Leading health specialist/radio show host, and award-winning author Nancy Addison, discusses the health challenge of our present situation with COVID-19 and/or the coronavirus pandemic. She shares her thoughts on the research she has read, how so much of it conflicts with what she believes can truly help a person stay healthy, boost their immune system, […]

Discussion About Heart Disease and Cancer

Dr. Stephanie Seneff - Discussing Heart Disease & Cancer, Nancy Addison , Organic Healthy Lifestyle

Leading nutritionist, author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a Senior Research Scientist at MIT. Dr. Seneff is published in many medical journals on topics: Diabetes, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Autoimmune, and Autism Diseases, etc. Dr. Seneff discusses the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on our health. They expand […]

Cancer Prevention Diet May Cut Cancer Risk By Two-Thirds

This article discusses cancer prevention diet and ways to cut cancer by two thirds percent.

Have you wondered about a cancer prevention diet? Well, according to a study conducted by The University of Western Australia in Perth, eating mushrooms daily may reduce breast cancer risk by nearly two thirds. The study, conducted in China, looked at more than 2000 women, half of whom had suffered from breast cancer. Researchers found […]

Information & Research About Hemp Oil (Also Known As – CBD Oil)

CBD oil and how it may be beneficial to your health

Recently, I’ve had many people ask me about CBD oil and hemp oil and specifically, what are the health benefits of both? Surprisingly, the questions have come from clients and an Oncologist. To find the answers, I recently went to California and Houston to meet with doctors and scientist who have been studying it. I […]

Avocado – A Perfect Food!

Avocado the perfect food. Article describes the health benefits and a delicious, easy recipe.

I’m celebrating with the color green this month, in honor of Saint Patrick’s Day, so I’m going to write about avocados! Avocados are a super powerhouse food! This fruit is packed with nutritional benefits and has a delicious creamy rich flavor, which makes it the perfect food for you and your family. Why are avocados […]