Foods And Their Healing Properties

Nancy Addison,discusses healing foods and their properties for optimum health

Nutritionist, chef, leading health specialist, radio show host, and award-winning author Nancy Addison discusses the differences between organic, GMO, and wild foods. She addresses the choices and how they also impact our health and the environment. Nancy talks about the healing properties of food and the various aspects of preparing them so that you can […]

Holiday Survival Tips

Creating healthy holiday food by nancy addison, Organic Healthy Life

Leading health specialist, best-selling, international award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison expands on various ways to stay healthy during the holidays. She discusses ingredients, hostess gifts, ways to maneuver the buffet line, and also ways to deal with headaches or hangovers. She provides some tips for staying in shape as well as handling […]

64: Guarding Your Energy, Staying Grounded, and Meditation

  Renegade nutritionist, best-selling author and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks about energy, our interaction with others, being grounding, meditation, and how it can affect us. She also discusses various ways we connect and are influenced by each other.  Nancy expands on techniques for getting grounded, meditation and also cleansing. She also talks about […]

62: Maintaining Your Optimal Weight, Allergies, Nutrition, Raw Food and Food Quality

Leading health and nutrition specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison discusses health, optimal weight, allergies, nutrition, raw food, and food quality. She walks you through her travel experiences with her daughter and points out some important elements to be aware of when dining out or eating at home. She even shares a […]

61: Farm Bill, Farm Aid and The State of Farming with Richard Kemp

Leading health and nutrition specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison discusses the Farm Bill, Farm Aid, and farming with Richard Kemp, radio show host of KLGD 106.9, in Abilene. TX. They discuss the various components that affect farmers, consumers, and the environment. Richard shares some of his insight into what might be […]

57: Improving Our Energy Levels

Leading health specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison talks about energy in its many forms, and how it can affect us. Have you ever felt unsure about attending things in life, like a reunion? Nancy discusses various ways we are influenced and guided to do things that may not serve our best […]

Wild Animal Rescue In South Africa

Nancy Addison talks with Panthera Africa founder about their animal rehabilitation center for large cats in South Africa. They discuss the problems with endangered wild animals in Africa and what we can all do to help.

Leading health and environmental specialist, radio show host, and award-winning author Nancy Addison discusses animal rescues with Catherine S. Nyquist, also known as “Cat.” Cat was a typical business woman with degrees in business and finance from Oslo, Norway. She co-founded “Panthera Africa” in South Africa after finding out how desperate the situation was in Africa for large […]

25: Super foods! Why Are They Super?

nancy addison, nutritionist, discusses super foods with charles barber of crucial four.

Everyone wants to be healthy and feel great. Award-winning author, radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Charles Barber, of Crucial Four, about great nutrition, superfoods and what they can do for health and well-being. They discuss organic, heirloom, nutrient dense food and supplements. They will inspire you with proven information for essential health and […]

26: How To Have Great Digestive Health

Have better digestive health, by Nancy Addison, nutritionist.

Digestive problems are very prevalent in today’s world. Chronic indigestion, if not eased, can lead to disease. Leading health expert and radio show host, Nancy Addison introduces natural approaches to having optimum digestion, relieving, leaky gut, IBS, and creating a healthy immune system. She provides recipes and easy ways to create optimum health. You can […]

24: Detoxification – Cleansing For Optimum Health!

Detox your body, your home and thoughts wtih special tips by Nancy addison, nutritionist, in her podcast for your health.

Toxins of all kinds saturate our world today. By breathing, wearing clothes, being around cleaning fluids, drinking tap water, etc. we absorb toxins in our everyday lives. These toxins can lead to chronic disease. Leading health expert and radio show host, Nancy Addison introduces natural approaches to detoxifying ourselves, our thoughts and our homes. Nancy’s […]