Organic, GMOs, Food Quality, And Our Health

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, expands on ways to make the healthiest choices for your health.

In an article in the NY Times on Sept. 3, Kenneth Chang describes the study that Stanford Scientists did on whether or not the organic strawberry has more vitamin C in it than conventional strawberries. In the study, the scientist did not find a huge amount of difference in the amount of vitamin C in […]

Why Organic and Why Should We Care?

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, expands on ways to make the healthiest choices for your health.

Most of the time I want to stay light and only talk about good and positive things, but now and then, I feel I have to say something about what is going on in the world that may not be quite as upbeat. This one concerns our food supply and our fragile eco system. I […]

Amazon Book Reviews

I went to Amazon today to look at how my book was set up and saw that I had 4 reveiws on my book! So, I went to read them and see what people were saying about my book. I was so happy to read these! Here they are:

The Healing Diet ( Heart Disease & Diabetes) – Nancy Addison Speaking At Parker University

The Healing Diet ( Heart Disease & Diabetes) - Nancy Addison Speaking At Parker University

I’m teaching classes at Parker University on the Healing Diet. The Healing Diet is a program I have developed and created. It is a lifestyle program for my clients with diabetes, cancer and heart disease. I was asked to teach this program once more at Parker University in Dallas, Texas. I had a wonderful class […]

How To Be a Healthy Vegetarian: The Healthy Vegetarian Guide and Recipe Book

Finally, “How to be a Healthy Vegetarian!” Both the health care provider and lay person have an easy to understand resource in reversing the course of preventable disease. Increasing lifespan and quality of daily activities through better decision-making in daily dietary choices is a recipe easily afforded in this time. This book has been endorsed […]

Let’s Get Healthy with Nancy Addison Raw Food

Join Nancy and learn how to make the savviest food in the whole world! Learn how to make a gluten free, raw food meal, including: mock spaghetti with marinara sauce, mock parmesano cheese, which includes coconut kefir, and a delicious desert of Date Nut Torte! You won’t believe how delicious and easy these recipes are! […]

Let’s Get Healthy with Nancy Addison Mexican Food

Learn how to make a proper ginger root tea, a cucumber soup, a healthy whole grain rice and one of the best Mexican dishes ever! Don’t miss the cherry sorbet desert, it is a cool, healthy, refreshing desert that just about everyone will love! Buy: $14.97

International Red Cross Fundraiser!

Nancy addison, nutritionist, and daughter, Amanda, who was in the Peace Corps in Mali, Africa.

Come join Nancy Addison and help the International Red Cross! Would you love to lose some weight? Could you use more energy? Do you want to raise the healthiest children possible? Then this is the seminar for you! It’s free and your donations will go toward the International American Red Cross!         […]

What Are Safe, Effective Sunscreens?

How To pick safe and effective sunscreen for you and your family. Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses vitamin D, sunscreens, and our health.

The sun promotes health and vitality. Still, we want to protect ourselves and our children from the sun during the summer. Which sunscreens are safe and healthy to use? Not all are helpful, and many are harmful. Recent studies reveal that some sunscreens can cause vitamin D3 deficiency, increase the risk of skin cancer, and […]

Health Seminar! You Can Make Healthy Eating- Delicious!

Making Healthy Eating- Delicious! Would you love to lose some weight? Could you use more energy? Do you want to raise the healthiest children possible? Then this is the seminar for you! In this seminar, you will hear how to: How to eat for super health! How to get more energy and feel better! This […]