Sweet Potatoes With Cranberries and Apples – Recipe Is Gluten-free & Plant-based

sweet potato, cranberry, & apples, by Nancy Addison, chef, organic healthy life, photo by Kevin marple

This recipe is a nutritious and colorful side dish. It also makes a nice holiday side dish. It is a beautiful blend of sweet and tart flavors. It’s also gluten-free and vegan, so you can provide this dish for those who have those specialized diets. The sweet potato is sweet, but not the high-calorie indulgence […]

Lee Merritt MD Shares Thoughts On Health

Lee Merritt MD Shares Thoughts On Health, With Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

Leading nutritionist & radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Dr. Lee Merritt, a graduate of University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, an Orthopedic Surgeon for 9 years in the US Navy, as well as the only woman appointed as the Louis A. Goldstein Fellow of Spinal Surgery. She was the past President […]

Joyful Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

I send you this Thanksgiving Day note to say I count you as one of my most precious blessings! Thank you for sharing your special inner light with me. I love you very much and I give thanks for you! The Greatest Gifts Of Life Are The People Who Share It With You! I thought […]

Oil Pulling, To Detox Your Mouth And Whiten Your Teeth

Oil Pulling, To Detox Your Mouth And Whiten Your Teeth, nancy addison, Organic healthy life

Question: I have some dark, puffy circles under my eyes,. What does that mean and is there a way to help them go away? Answer Yes, good question. The dark circles under the eyes are usually a sign of toxic overload. When we sleep, we naturally detoxify. A lot of those toxins go into the […]

Soy And Edamame – Are They A Healthy Food?

Are soy or edamame healthy for you? by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Edamame is very popular, and it does appear to look very healthy. It’s green, it’s fun to eat, and we are taught that green foods are healthy for us, right? Edamame is a soy bean, picked while it’s still green. Edamame contains isoflavones, which are compounds that are chemically identical to estrogen, the female sex […]

Holistic Ways To Lift Depression

Holistic Ways To Lift Depression , by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Depression, stress, and anxiety are such major problems in our world today. I have people contact me regularly about themself (or someone in their family) who is struggling with depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, or even suicidal thoughts. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association, depression is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. for […]

How Do Sugar & Sweeteners Affect Us?

How Do Sugar & Sweeteners Affect Us? Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Sugar consumption is out of control. According to the US government, the average American consumes half a cup of caloric sweeteners per day, or 152 pounds per year. (1) Sugar has a reputation as the “white poison” because of the harmful effects it has on health. Although fat has been made out to be the […]

Healthy Body Care Products And Ingredients To Avoid

Healthy Body Care Products And Ingredients To Avoid, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

I have had people asking me about healthy body care products. They say that they are trying to make their body and their life less toxic. They ask me what to look for on an ingredient list.  What a great question and important to address. So, in this blog, I am going to address some […]

Diet Can Be A Powerful Treatment For Diabetes

Diabetes And Your Diet, Diet Can be Powerful For Diabetes, Nancy Addison, Organic healthy Life

More than 100 million people today have diabetes or pre-diabetes. A recent study conducted by a team of American and Japanese researchers showed that people who have diabetes can vastly improve their health by eating an entirely plant-based diet. (1) During my work with people who have diabetes, I have found that they show remarkable […]

How To Properly Store Fresh Fruits & Vegetables So They Last Longer

How To Properly Store Fresh Fruits & Vegetables So They Last Longer, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy lifestyle

Fresh organic, non-GMO produce is part of a healthy eating plan and lifestyle. One way we can spend less AND eat healthier is by storing our fresh food properly, so we can avoid throwing out over-ripe or rotting fruits and vegetables. Because of this, I would like to share some tips I’ve learned over the […]