The skin is the largest organ of the body, and it readily absorbs any products or patches you put on it. In a normal day, the average person exposes themselves to 100 + chemicals from soaps, cosmetics, and other personal care products, like toothpaste or mouthwash. Many of these ingredients (chemicals) have been clinically researched […]
One day when my children were small, I read about how the innocent Minnie Mouse Bubble Bath I’d just bathed my children in could cause blindness. I was so alarmed. So I started researching and reading ingredients on everything. How could the U.S. government allow toxin and carcinogenic ingredients in our toothpaste, bubble bath, shampoos, […]
/> Are Your Make-Up and Body Care Products Making You Or Your Children Sick? “In the U.S.,major loopholes in the federal law allow the cosmetics industry to put thousands of synthetic chemicals into personal care products, even if those chemicals are linked to cancer, infertility or birth defects. At the same time as […]
What We Put On Our And Our Baby’s Body Matters! One day, when my children were small, I read some information on how the innocent Minnie Mouse Bubble Bath, I had just bathed my children in, could cause blindness. I was so alarmed. I started researching everything in my bathroom and reading ingredients on everything. […]