Now is the time to say adios to summer and the abundant summer crops and welcome the fall harvest. Eating seasonally is both economical and healthy. The seasonal bounty of fall fruits and vegetables has great variety from root and vine grown vegetables to fruits of the tree. Apples are one of these fruits and […]
I was reading the other day about “clean eating.” My client had asked me, if I knew what it was and I really didn’t. I supposed it is certainly better than eating dirty food! So, I looked it up on line. Apparently it is a term used for non-processed or “fast” food. I guess it […]
Larry Hagman took me to the Cirque Du Soleil opening in Dallas, TX. I had such a good time at the Cirque Du Soleil Opening Night Show. I had never been before. Larry told me he loves going to their shows. We really had fun. The show was amazing! They are set up in the […]
I think it is important to clean our fruits, vegetables and other food before it is cut, cooked or consumed. We get home from the store or farmer’s market and we have a large amount of fresh food. I personally don’t consume that food until it’s been washed well with non-toxic methods that won’t leave […]