You may be concerned about Ebola and other viruses spreading, it is a good time to get an air decontamination machine to make your home and your workplace safer. ODOROX® technology is the advanced solution for eliminating odors, decontaminating surfaces and purifying the air in your home, office or RV. Designed and built by HGI […]
Nutrition Facts labels are finally getting a much needed remake. I’m so glad, because I always found this label to have things on it that weren’t really relative and somewhat deceptive. The proposed update, was announced in March. This is the first major revision in 20 years. I’m guessing this is part of the first […]
Rejuvenation Retreat’s Authentic Nicaraguan Recipe I’ve been hosting my Rejuvenation Retreat this month in Redonda Bay Nicaragua with Charlotte Ammerman. This week we had a local Nicaraguan Mid Wife/Healing Woman come and give a cooking class for our group. She made a healing green drink, native cookies, home make tortillas and a stir fry. […]
Nancy Addison, awarded Woman Of The Year by the American Association of Professional Women, is speaking to the group about eating healthier, cleaner food. I’m speaking this Wednesday for the American Association For Professional Women. I’m talking about eating healthy on a budget. I’m really looking forward to it. Here is the flyer they put […]
Raising Money For The North Texas Food Bank I had a wonderful time at the Taste of NFL last night at the fundraiser for the North Texas Food Bank. Beautiful evening with some of the best restaurants in town serving up some delicious food at Lake Grapevine. I met Jason Garrett, the coach of […]
Do you need a safe sunscreen this summer? Here is my segment from The Broadcast, KTXD- TV. I have the list in my book, “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian” second edition. I talk about how most sunscreens have allowed the cancer producing rays in and blocked the cancer preventative rays out. These are much […]
Last Tuesday I was on The Broadcast, KTXD-TV, talking about alternative help when you are experiencing allergies. Suzie is so funny. I love being interviewed by her. Here is the segment. I’d love to know what you think! >Click here to see the segment.
Amazon Reviews of Nancy Addison’s book: “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian” I was so excited to see such wonderful reviews of my book on Amazon, that I thought I would share them with you! Customer Reviews How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian 10 Reviews 5 star: (10) 4 star: (0) 3 star: (0) 2 […]
Nancy Addison presented a class for the Cancer Support Community at Presbyterian Hospital and the Lymphoma Research Foundation on Making Healthy Eating Delicious. August Highlights w nancy ‘s class highlighted and w lymphona research foundation Cancer Support Community at Presbyterian Hospital where Speaker Nancy Addison, Nutrition Expert and Healthy Chef […]
Dr. Anitra Thorhaug working with Sea Grasses at Long Island Nancy Addison has just been named Associate Program Director for the non-profit Greater Caribbean Energy and Environment Foundation of Texas Nancy donates a good deal of time to charity work. One of Nancy Addison’s passions is saving the environment. Nancy has just been […]