Vitamin D And Your Health

With it currently being winter here in North America, and also cold in a lot of other places, we are all indoors a lot more of the time and not out in the sunshine getting our vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential because it influences your entire body. Receptors that respond to the vitamin have […]

Dr. Tom Cowan Interview With Nancy Addison

Dr. Tom Cowan Interview With Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

Dr. Tom Cowan expands on viruses, Covid, coronavirus, lab tests, and science. He shares incredible information concerning virology, PCR tests, HIV, Ebola, Sars, and disease. Dr. Tom Cowan’s website: Medical Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast, blog, article, video is for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and […]

Nancy Addison and Dr. Elizabeth Plourde Discuss COVID-19

Nancy Addison and Dr. Elizabeth Plourde Discuss COVID-19, nancy addison, organic healthy life

Nancy and Dr. Plourde discuss their research as of this date, on the virus, the pandemic, and COVID-19. They expand on their knowledge of lab test accuracy, misinformation being given to the public, and a variety of other points they wish to make concerning the state of the world today.