Bought – The Movie About Big Pharma

The hidden story behind vaccines, big pharma, and food, I received information on this film from a friend and wanted to share it with you. “If you thought they hurt us with the banks, wait till you see what they’re doing to health care.” Vaccines. GMOs. Big Pharma. We all know that there is something […]

Almond Cookies – Raw, Healthy and Easy To Make!

I frequently make these living-food cookies using almond meal I have leftover after making almond milk. I never wanted to waste the almond meal, and this is a wonderful way to use it. You can make these into small snack bars as well. Make sure to store these cookies in the refrigerator. Would you like to […]

Super Chocolate Power Smoothie Recipe

I love delicious food, like this super, chocolate, power smoothie!  We all need nutrient dense food this summer, so we can do all the fun things we have on our agenda! Here is one of my favorite raw, healthy recipes from my cookbook, which has over 115 yummy and easy recipes in it. The book […]

Get Healthier, Thicker Hair, Naturally!

Everyone seems to want healthy hair. We want our hair to be growing healthier and thicker naturally. Sometimes we may find too much hair left in our hairbrush or that our hairline is looking a bit farther back than it seemed a few weeks ago. I notice many people these days with balding spots (women […]

The Power Of Love And A Hug

I read the other day that stress has increased by 35% in the last year for most people. With new technology causing more isolation, alienation, and stress, we need to take the time and make the effort to connect in person, and be there with love and hugs. It could quite literally save someone’s life […]

Seminar Time

Today, I am getting ready for my first 2013 Healing Diet Seminar. I am focusing on getting a fresh clean start for the New Year. Boost the immune system! Lose Weight! Gain more energy! Eating to reverse aging! Cleaning out all of the old stuff that has not been working and refreshing the spirit, mind […]

Survival Guide to the Holidays! by Nancy Addison

With the holidays upon us, here are my top 7 tips to having more energy, staying well and feeling good; so you can enjoy the holidays with your family and friends! 1. Stay hydrated! Even though they are liquid, sodas and coffee are not hydrating. So, drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Hydration is […]

Larry Hagman and His New Charity

I attended the kick off fundraiser for The Larry Hagman Foundation, which will benefit children’s charities. He callas it J.R. Gives Back to Dallas. Evil does Good. It was a perfect evening for the outdoor event. Linda Gray and Patrick Duffy were there to cheer Larry and his new foundation on! Linda looked gorgeous up […]

Shoot for the Stars!

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, writes award-winning, nutrition cookbooks and shoots for the stars.

A few years ago, I decided to write a book. I dug in and wrote it. It took a long time. It took 5 years! It was a dream and I wanted to try to make it a reality. Sometimes, we have visions of things we want to do; then we talk ourselves out of […]

Nancy Addison Speaking at Metro Cooking Houston

Nancy Addison will be speaking at metro cooking in houston on health and nutriton..

I am so excited about speaking this weekend at the Metro Cooking Event in Houston. I am speaking on the Healing Diet, which is for anyone with any kind of ailment or disease. I have 3 different times that you can choose! I am also talking on how to raise your own organic food! That […]